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Help cure diabetes: Foods that slow down digestion

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surprising things you can eat with your bad food to make it better for you!

Foods that slow down digestion -- you can eat them with that Mcdonalds carb-fest, before it, or after it...

[keeps blood sugar spike from happening - prevents insulin resistance - keeps arteries from getting inflamed (a pseudo-infection response by the body)

Olive Oil 20 minutes before a meal

Vinegar or Lemon Juice - slows digestion and may even block excessive carbohydrates from spiking your blood sugar levels. The blood sugar spike is what gives you that sickish hungry feeling an hour after eating McDonalds or KFC - for a time you know what it feels like to be diabetic.

100% Whole grain foods (just saying "whole grain" on the package isn't enough - it has to say 100% - you can feel the difference in your body almost immediately. Best example is irish/scottish/steel-cut oatmeal (same thing). It's completely different tasting than regular flaky oatmeal and it keeps you full for hours and hours. (I know from experience!)

Course Flour

now, from:

"Beware some carbos

Revolutionize what you eat with authoritative new research that finds danger in potatoes and pretzels.

hen You eat a carbohydrate -- any sugary or starchy food -- your blood sugar goes up. If your blood sugar rises slowly, great. If it soars sky-high quickly, it could be a serious health threat. The major question: How do you know which foods make blood sugar surge and which don't?

Meet the glycemic index, a way of rating foods according to their ability to increase blood sugar: High-glycemic-index foods make blood sugar jump; low-glycemic-index foods cause gradual rises. Several weight-loss diets, including those prescribed in the best sellers Sugar Busters and The Zone, are based on the index. Now, an authoritative new book, The Glucose Revolution (Marlowe & Co., $14.95), by Australian researcher Dr. Jennie Brand-Miller, exposes myths in the popular information and includes a much-needed accurate list of the index values of 300 foods.

7 ways to keep blood sugar down Don't worry about carrots spiking blood sugar. The truth is that carrots have a low rating of 49. Furthermore, they contain so little carbohydrate you would have to eat at least 11Ú2 pounds at a sitting to boost blood sugar significantly. Wide reports that carrots are bad for the blood sugar of diabetics, people trying to lose weight or anyone else are "simply wrong," says Brand-Miller.

Eat legumes with abandon. All legumes are digested slowly, causing slow, gradual rises in blood sugar, and thus have low ratings. This includes baked beans, butter beans, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, navy beans, soybeans and peanuts (which technically are legumes, not nuts).

Add vinegar or lemon juice to foods. Studies show eating 4 teaspoons of vinegar in a salad dressing with an average meal lowers blood sugar as much as 30%. Brand-Miller found that adding vinegar to high-index white potatoes reduced expected blood sugar surges by 25%. Explanation: Acid slows stomach emptying and digestion. She advises eating a salad with a vinegar or lemon-juice dressing with high-rated meals. Drinking orange and grapefruit juice also may help. Acidity explains why yogurt and sourdough bread have low ratings. "

Know your starches. White potatoes and sticky cooked rice can raise blood sugar faster and higher than eating sugar or candy. Expect a lower rating from basmati rice, where the grains remain separate when cooked, and brown rice. It's also a myth that pasta makes you fat. All pastas, says Brand-Miller, are fairly low-rated, helping dampen blood sugar, appetite and weight gain. V If you eat high-rated foods, combine them with low-rated foods. Combining dried beans and rice, for example, produces an intermediate glycemic index rating. The Glucose Revolution contains many recipes, with their ratings. The book also explains how to figure glycemic index ratings for your own recipes. When you eat snacks alone, choose snacks with a low rating, such as apples, peanuts or popcorn. A high-rated food, such as jelly beans, eaten alone is sure to spike your blood sugar.

Eat lots of vegetables. You can think of salad vegetables as "free" foods, with no significant impact on blood sugar. Their rating is effectively "zero," says Brand-Miller. Meat does not raise blood sugar, but its fat promotes insulin resistance. It's important to restrict high-fat foods as well as high-glycemic-index foods, she cautions, although lean meat is nutritious.

Restrict processed foods. Bread, cereals, cookies and crackers made with finely ground flour have a high rating because the fine particles of starch zip right through your digestive tract. Many cereals and breads have a rating of 70 or more, higher than table sugar's 60-65. Some cold cereals with a low rating: AllBran with extra fiber, Bran Buds with psyllium, Special K, muesli.
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Help cure diabetes: Foods that slow down digestion surprising things you can eat with your bad food to make it better for you!
