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Getting rid of dead animal smell (or any ferocious odor)

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from Kenneth Udut, NeighborHelp Referrals' Affordable Trapping in Naples, FL 239-465-9291 NWCOA-Logoz.jpg

I'm Kenneth Udut of NeighborHelp Referrals' Affordable Trapping in Naples, FL.

A few tricks that might help with the dead animal smell:

shallow bowl of vinegar on one side of the room. shallow bowl of baking soda on the other side of the room. a cotton ball soaked with vanilla extract on top of the baking soda.

This is a trick we sometimes use to get rid of get animal smells. Either baking soda alone, vinegar alone or vanilla extract alone works, but together it doesn't seem to leave any odor behind but the faintest hint of vanilla. Remember the grade school project of a volcano? Put baking soda in a dixie cup and pour vinegar over the top and watch it bubble over? Same principle here. Baking soda is alkaline (a base) and vinegar is an acid (a strong one). Both of them do a great job of smashing odor molecules to bits. (the shape of a molecule that "smells' always has a "ring" shape to it. Look it up sometime - it's why something has a lingering smell and another thing doesn't).

The baking soda gets rid of smell molecules that are acidic. Vinegar gets rid of smell molecules that are base. Vanilla does what vanilla does - leaves behind a faint nice smell. The baking soda and vinegar break up most of the vanilla smell itself, which is why it's not a strong odor. You can also try oil of wintergreen or some other equally strong smell, but vanilla seems to be the easiest to get and works the strongest.

You can also try adding a litle borax (20 mule team borax - any kind of borax, really) to the baking soda and stir it together. Just like Borax (which is pure boron - it kills roaches too) boosts the laundry soap, it also boosts the power of baking soda. The only drawback is that if you have curious pets they might ingest the borax, which isn't harmful for a drop or two but a few mouthfuls can be fatal.

Some basic chemistry 101 from NeighborHelp Referrals Affordable Naples, FL. (239-465-9291) --Kenneth Udut,, also webmaster of

P.S. for the super-tough smells:

Two Bowls:

one filled with Carpet Fresh and Mothballs

the other with vanilla extract.

Put them on either side of the room.

Call: (239)465-9291 - ask for Debbie [2016]


Getting rid of dead animal smell (or any ferocious odor) from Kenneth Udut, NeighborHelp Referrals' Affordable Trapping in Naples, FL 239-465-9291 [image=405]
