The HYPE @ JD Jags

Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.
Jan. 16 2009
FRI - Jan 16 - JD JAGS - Naples, Golden Gate & 951 - 9:30pm
Happy 2009! Whew! Made it to 09 w/o getting arrested, starting a family feud, getting into a fight (well...define fight?), or joining a weight-loss program! I hope y'all had happy times over the holidays. Some of us are exhausted, and need to get out & have a drink, and release the stress valve if you know what I mean! Come & rock with The HYPE for some "after holidays stress relief"!
1 rate Happy 2009! Whew! Made it to 09 w/o getting arrested, starting a family feud, getting into a fight (well...define fight?), or joining a weight-loss program! I hope y'all had happy times over the holidays. Some of us are exhausted, and need to get out & have a drink, and release the stress valve if you know what I mean! Come & rock with The HYPE for some "after holidays stress relief"!