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President Obama Passes ERA bill? (equal pay 4 equal work)

Equal Rights Amendment - a step closer for women.

Comment: Making it easier for women (and others) to sue companies who pay different wages for the same job as a man is a step closer to the Equal Rights Amendment (or perhaps that's what this is?) - as it will help ensure employers will pay women the same pay rates as men. -Ken, webmaster of naplesplus.
Obama signs equal-pay bill

WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama praised a newly passed legislation making it easier for workers to sue for discrimination on the job.

At a White House bill-signing ceremony, he said the measure upholds the principle that "we are all created equal" and that each person deserves an equal opportunity.

The measure is known as the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. It is named after a woman who said she didn't become aware of a pay discrepancy until she neared the end of her career at a Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. plant.

Ledbetter was present for the ceremony. The law effectively overturns a Supreme Court decision that had strictly limited workers' ability to file such suits.
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President Obama Passes ERA bill? (equal pay 4 equal work) Equal Rights Amendment - a step closer for women.
