Soil in Collier County, Florida
via the USDA Web Soil Survey and other sources
Soil in Collier County Area, Florida
14—Pineda fine sand, limestone substratum
Map Unit Setting
Elevation: 20 to 100 feet
Mean annual precipitation: 46 to 54 inches
Mean annual air temperature: 70 to 77 degrees F
Frost-free period: 350 to 365 days
Map Unit Composition
Pineda, limestone substratum, and similar soils: 88 percent
Minor components: 12 percent
Description of Pineda, Limestone Substratum Setting
Landform: Drainageways on marine terraces
Landform position (three-dimensional): Dip
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-slope shape: Concave
Parent material: Sandy and loamy marine deposits over limestone
Properties and qualities
Slope: 0 to 2 percent
Depth to restrictive feature: 40 to 80 inches to lithic bedrock
Drainage class: Poorly drained
Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately low to moderately high (0.06 to 0.20 in/hr)
Depth to water table: About 0 to 12 inches
Frequency of flooding: None
Frequency of ponding: None
Maximum salinity: Nonsaline (0.0 to 2.0 mmhos/cm)
Sodium adsorption ratio, maximum: 4.0
Available water capacity: Low (about 4.5 inches)
Interpretive groups
Land capability (nonirrigated): 3w
Ecological site: Slough (R156AY011FL)
Typical profile
0 to 4 inches: Fine sand
4 to 30 inches: Fine sand
30 to 55 inches: Sandy clay loam
55 to 59 inches: Unweathered bedrock
Minor Components
Percent of map unit: 4 percent
Landform: Drainageways on marine terraces
Landform position (three-dimensional): Dip
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-slope shape: Concave
Ecological site: Slough (R155XY011FL)
Percent of map unit: 4 percent
Landform: Drainageways on marine terraces
Landform position (three-dimensional): Dip
Down-slope shape: Linear
Across-slope shape: Concave
Ecological site: Slough (R156AY011FL)
Percent of map unit: 4 percent
Landform: Drainageways on marine terraces
Landform position (three-dimensional): Talf, dip
Down-slope shape: Concave
Across-slope shape: Linear
Ecological site: Scrub Cypress (R156AY013FL)
Soil | Name | Relief | Surface_Runoff | Internal_Drainage | D_2_Bedrock | Reaction | Land_Use | Principal_Veg | Cover | |
Aa | Arzell fine sand | Level, nearly, or slightly depressional | Very shallow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | Inches 48-80 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, small acreage in vegetables acres in citrus | Slash pine, shrubs, grasses; some areas | Not specified | |
Aa3 | Arzell fine sand | Level, nearly, or slightly depressional | Very shallow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | Inches 48-81 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, small acreage in vegetables acres in citrus | Slash pine, shrubs, grasses; some areas | Prairie | |
Aa5 | Arzell fine sand | Level, nearly, or slightly depressional | Very shallow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | Inches 48-82 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, small acreage in vegetables acres in citrus | Slash pine, shrubs, grasses; some areas | Cypress | |
Ba | Blanton fine sand | Level to gently undulating | Slow to medium | Rapid | Many feet | Strongly acid | Forest, grazing, few acres in citrus | Slash pine, bluejack and live oaks, grasses. | Not specified | |
Ba7 | Blanton fine sand | Level to gently undulating | Slow to medium | Rapid | Many feet | Strongly acid | Forest, grazing, few acres in citrus | Slash pine, bluejack and live oaks, grasses. | Mixed Palmettoe & Prairie | |
Bb | Broward fine sand | Level, nearly level, or gently undulating | Slow | Rapid when freed of high water table | 18-36 | Slightly acid to neutral; neutral to alkaline just above limestone | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, | shrubs, grasses. | Not specified |
Bc | Broward fine sand - Heavy substratum phase | Level, nearly level, or gently undulating | Slow | Medium when freed of high water table | 12-24 | Slightly acid to neutral; neutral to alkaline just above limestone | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, | shrubs, grasses. | Not specified |
Bc4 | Broward fine sand - Heavy substratum phase | Level, nearly level, or gently undulating | Slow | Medium when freed of high water table | 12-25 | Slightly acid to neutral; neutral to alkaline just above limestone | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, | shrubs, grasses. | Palmetto |
Bd | Broward fine sand - Shallow phase | Level, nearly level, or gently undulating | Slow | Rapid when freed of high water table | 6-18 | Slightly acid to neutral; neutral to alkaline just above limestone | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, | shrubs, grasses. | Not specified |
Bd4 | Broward fine sand - Shallow phase | Level, nearly level, or gently undulating | Slow | Rapid when freed of high water table | 6-18 | Slightly acid to neutral; neutral to alkaline just above limestone | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, | shrubs, grasses. | Palmetto |
Be | Broward-Ochopee complex | Level, nearly level, or gently undulating | Slow | Variable | 3-12 | Variable | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, shrubs,Grasses; some areas prairie or cypress. | Not specified | |
Be7 | Broward-Ochopee complex | Level, nearly level, or gently undulating | Slow | Variable | 3-12 | Variable | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, shrubs,Grasses; some areas prairie or cypress. | Mixed Palmettoe & Prairie | |
Be8 | Broward-Ochopee complex | Level, nearly level, or gently undulating | Slow | Variable | 3-12 | Variable | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, shrubs,Grasses; some areas prairie or cypress. | Mixed Pine & Cypress | |
Ca | Charlotte fine sand | Nearly level, level, or slightly depressional | Very shallow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | 40-60 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, small acreage in vegetables | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, shrubs, grasses; some prairie areas. | Not specified | |
Ca3 | Charlotte fine sand | Nearly level, level, or slightly depressional | Very shallow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | 40-60 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, small acreage in vegetables | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, shrubs, grasses; some prairie areas. | Prairie | |
Cb | Coastal beach | Gently sloping | Medium | Rapid | Many feet | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Recreation, grazing, idle | Salt-tolerant shrubs and grasses, cabbage palmetto, or bare of vegetation. | Not specified | |
Cb6 | Coastal beach | Gently sloping | Medium | Rapid | Many feet | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Recreation, grazing, idle | Salt-tolerant shrubs and grasses, cabbage palmetto, or bare of vegetation. | Hammock | |
Cc | Copeland fine sand | Level or nearly level | Very slow | Medium to slow; rapid when freed of high water table. | 12-24 | Slightly acid; neutral to alkaline just above limestone. | Forest, grazing, a few acres in vegetables | Cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, slash pine, subtropical plants(hammock). | Not specified | |
Cd | Copeland fine sand - Low phase | Level; depressions | Very slow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | 3-24 | Slightly acid; neutral to alkaline just above limestone. | Forest, few gardens | Cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, slash pine, subtropical plants(hammock). | Not specified | |
Ce | Copeland fine sand - Shallow phase | Nearly level | Very slow | Rapid when freed of high water table | 3-12 | Slightly acid; neutral to alkaline just above limestone. | Forest, few gardens | Cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, slash pine, subtropical plants(hammock). | Not specified | |
Cf | Cypress swamp | Nearly level | Very slow | Covered with water most of year | Many feet | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Forest, wildlife habitat | Cypress and other trees, shrubs, grasses, ferns, vines. | Not specified | |
Fa | Felda fine sand | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Medium when freed of high water table | 36-60 | Acid in surface layers; neutral to alkaline below. | Grazing, some vegetables | Grasses, shrubs. | Not specified | |
Fb | Fresh water marsh | Level | Very slow or ponded | Covered with water most of year | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Variable | Grazing, wildlife habitat, idle | Marsh plants. | Not specified | |
Ia | Immokalee fine sand | Level or nearly level | Slow | Rapid above water table at 30 to 39 inches | Many feet | Strongly acid | Forest, grazing, a few acres in vegetables | Slash pine, saw-palmetto, shrubs, wiregrass. | Not specified | |
Ia4 | Immokalee fine sand | Level or nearly level | Slow | Rapid above water table at 30 to 39 inches | Many feet | Strongly acid | Forest, grazing, a few acres in vegetables | Slash pine, saw-palmetto, shrubs, wiregrass. | Palmetto | |
Ia4/Pit | Immokalee fine sand | Level or nearly level | Slow | Rapid above water table at 30 to 39 inches | Many feet | Strongly acid | Forest, grazing, a few acres in vegetables | Slash pine, saw-palmetto, shrubs, wiregrass. | Palmetto | |
Ka | Keri-Copeland complex | Level or nearly level | Slow | Variable | 6-54 | Variable | Grazing, forest | Cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, slash pine, subtropical plants(hammock). | Not specified | |
Kb | Keri fine sand | Level or nearly level | Slow | Slow | 48-60 | Strongly acid above marl, alkaline below | Forest, grazing, a few acres in vegetables | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, shrubs, grasses. | Not specified | |
La | Lakewood fine sand | Hummocky (dunes) to level | Very slow due to rapid infiltration | Rapid | Many feet | Strongly acid | Grazing, forest | Sand pine, rosemary, scrub oaks. | Not specified | |
Ma | Made land | Variable | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Variable | Variable | Variable | Building sites, idle | Variable. | Not specified | |
Mb | Mangrove swamp | level; below high tide | Water-covered at high tide | Water-covered at high tide | Variable | Variable | Wildlife habitat, forest | Mangrove, button-mangrove. | Not specified | |
Mb/Water | Mangrove swamp | level; below high tide | Water-covered at high tide | Water-covered at high tide | Variable | Variable | Wildlife habitat, forest | Mangrove, button-mangrove. | Water | |
Mc | Matmon loamy fine sand | Nearly level | Medium to slow | Medium when freed of high water table | 0-18 | Alkaline | Forest, grazing, a few acres in crops | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, shrubs,Grasses. | Not specified | |
None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | None | Not specified | |
None/Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | |
Oa | Ochopee fine sandy marl | Level or nearly level; slight depressions | Very slow or ponded | Slow even when freed of high water table | 12-36 | Marl layer strongly alkaline; neutral to alkaline below. | Wildlife habitat, a few acres in vegetables | Grasses. | Not specified | |
Ob | Ochopee fine sandy marl - Shallow Phase | Level or nearly level; slight depressions | Very slow or ponded | Slow even when freed of high water table | 6-12 | Marl layer strongly alkaline; neutral to alkaline below. | Short grasses, forest, wildlife habitat, a few acres in vegetables. | Grasses, and some areas in scrub cypress, pine, and grasses. | Not specified | |
Ob2 | Ochopee fine sandy marl - Shallow Phase | Level or nearly level; slight depressions | Very slow or ponded | Slow even when freed of high water table | 6-12 | Marl layer strongly alkaline; neutral to alkaline below. | Short grasses, forest, wildlife habitat, a few acres in vegetables. | Grasses, and some areas in scrub cypress, pine, and grasses. | Pine | |
Ob5 | Ochopee fine sandy marl - Shallow Phase | Level or nearly level; slight depressions | Very slow or ponded | Slow even when freed of high water table | 6-12 | Marl layer strongly alkaline; neutral to alkaline below. | Short grasses, forest, wildlife habitat, a few acres in vegetables. | Grasses, and some areas in scrub cypress, pine, and grasses. | Cypress | |
Oc | Ochopee fine sandy marl - Tidal Phase | Level; covered at very high tides | Very slow or ponded | Slow; covered at very high tides | 12-36 | Marl layer strongly alkaline; neutral to alkaline below; also affected by salts. | Wildlife habitat | Salt-tolerant grasses and shrubs. | Not specified | |
Od | Ochopee marl | Level or nearly level | Very slow or ponded | Slow even when freed of high water table | 12-36 | Marl layer strongly alkaline; neutral to alkaline below. | Relatively large area in vegetables | Grasses. | Not specified | |
Oe | Ochopee marl - Deep phase | Level or nearly level | Very slow or ponded | Slow even when freed of high water table | 36-60 | Marl layer strongly alkaline; neutral to alkaline below. | Vegetables | Grasses. | Not specified | |
Oe/Water | Ochopee marl - Deep phase | Level or nearly level | Very slow or ponded | Slow even when freed of high water table | 36-60 | Marl layer strongly alkaline; neutral to alkaline below. | Vegetables | Grasses. | Water | |
Of | Ochopee marl - Shallow phase | Level or nearly level | Very slow or ponded | Slow even when freed of high water table | 3-12 | Marl layer strongly alkaline; neutral to alkaline below. | Vegetables | Grasses. | Not specified | |
Pa | Pompano fine sand | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | 48-80 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, some vegetables | Slash pine cabbage palmetto, shrubs, grasses; some areas of prairie or cypress. | Not specified | |
Pa/Aa | Pompano fine sand | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | 48-80 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, some vegetables | Slash pine cabbage palmetto, shrubs, grasses; some areas of prairie or cypress. | Not specified | |
Pa3 | Pompano fine sand | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | 48-80 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, some vegetables | Slash pine cabbage palmetto, shrubs, grasses; some areas of prairie or cypress. | Prairie | |
Pa5 | Pompano fine sand | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | 48-80 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, some vegetables | Slash pine cabbage palmetto, shrubs, grasses; some areas of prairie or cypress. | Cypress | |
Pa5/Aa5 | Pompano fine sand | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Rapid when freed of high water table | 48-80 | Slightly acid to neutral | Forest, grazing, some vegetables | Slash pine cabbage palmetto, shrubs, grasses; some areas of prairie or cypress. | Cypress | |
Ra | Rockland | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Slow | 0-12 | Variable | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, some areas cypress or prairie. | Not specified | |
Ra2 | Rockland | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Slow | 0-12 | Variable | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, some areas cypress or prairie. | Pine | |
Ra3 | Rockland | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Slow | 0-12 | Variable | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, some areas cypress or prairie. | Prairie | |
Ra9 | Rockland | Level, nearly level, or slightly depressional | Very slow or ponded | Slow | 0-12 | Variable | Forest, grazing | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, some areas cypress or prairie. | Mixed Pine, Cypress & Prairie | |
Sa | St. Lucie fine sand | Low ridges, knolls, hummocks | Very slow, due to rapid infiltration | Rapid | Many feet | Strongly acid | Grazing, forest | Sand pine, rosemary, scrub oak. | Not specified | |
Sb | Shell mounds | Mounds 10 to 20 feet high | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Alkaline | Source of road material; idle | Cabbage palmetto, shrubs (hammock). | Not specified | |
Sc | Sunniland fine sand | Nearly level | Slow | Medium to slow | 36-60 | Strongly acid surface soil; neutral to alkaline line below. | Forest, grazing, few acres in crops | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, shrubs, grasses. | Not specified | |
Sc4 | Sunniland fine sand | Nearly level | Slow | Medium to slow | 36-60 | Strongly acid surface soil; neutral to alkaline line below. | Forest, grazing, few acres in crops | Slash pine, cabbage palmetto, saw-palmetto, shrubs, grasses. | Palmetto | |
Ta | Tidal marsh | Level or nearly level | Very slow | Water covered at high tide | Many feet | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Wildlife habitat | Salt-tolerant marsh grasses and shrubs. | Not specified | |
Ta/Ob5 | Tidal marsh | Level or nearly level | Very slow | Water covered at high tide | Many feet | Not ascertained for this nonarable land type | Wildlife habitat | Salt-tolerant marsh grasses and shrubs. | Cypress | |
Tb | Tucker marl | Level or nearly level | Very slow | Slow even when freed of high water table | 4-24 | Strongly alkaline | Relatively large acreage in vegetables | Grasses. | Not specified | |
Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water | Water |
Udut, Kenneth from Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL Associate, 3508 posts | PINEDA has Low Soil Leaching Capability (The rating of the soil for leaching of pesticides through the soil profile) It has High SOIL RUNOFF (The rating of the soil for runoff of pesticides from the soil surface). I'm still trying to track down the pH, but it seems to be ACIDIC, which surprises me - I thought we had alkaline soil. I need to get it tested for sure. But I guess I can do a basic test: Mix soil with baking soda to see if it foams, and then mix soil with vinegar to see if it foams. That'll be a cheap way to test it. LOCATION PINEDA FL Established Series Rev. TEC, AGH, GRB 10/2002 PINEDA SERIESThe Pineda series consists of deep and very deep, poorly and very poorly drained, very slowly permeable soils in depressions, low hammocks, poorly defined drainageways, broad low flats, and flood plains. They formed in thick beds of sandy and loamy marine sediments on the lower Coastal Plain. Near the type location, the mean annual temperature is about 72 degrees F., and the mean annual precipitation is about 55 inches. Slopes range from 0 to 2 percent.TAXONOMIC CLASS: Loamy, siliceous, active, hyperthermic Arenic Glossaqualfs TYPICAL PEDON: Pineda sand A E Bw1 Bw2 E' B/E Cg TYPE LOCATION: Lee County, Florida; approximately 2,900 feet north of the intersection of Shands and Baker-Alico Road rock pit and the Florida Power and Light powerline, and about 100 feet west of the powerline. NW 1/4, NW 1/4, SW 1/4, Sec. 6, T. 46 S., R. 26 E. RANGE IN CHARACTERISTICS: Solum thickness ranges from 40 to 80 inches. Limestone bedrock may occur in some soils below a depth of 40 inches. Combined thickness of the A, E, E', and Bw horizons is 20 to 40 inches. Soil reaction ranges from very strongly acid to neutral in the A, E, E', B/E, and Bw horizons, strongly acid to moderately alkaline in the Btg horizon, and moderately acid to moderately alkaline in the Cg horizon. The A or Ap horizon has hue of 10YR, value of 2 to 5, and chroma of 1 or 2; or it is neutral with value of 2 to 4. Where the value is 3.5 or less, thickness is less than 10 inches. Texture is sand or fine sand. The E horizon, where present, has hue of 10YR or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 8, and chroma of 1 to 3; or it is neutral with value of 4 to 8. Redoximorphic features in shades of gray, brown, or yellow range from none to common. Texture is sand or fine sand. The Bw horizon has hue of 10YR or 7.5YR, value of 4 to 8, and chroma of 3 to 8. Texture is sand or fine sand. The E' horizon, where present, has hue of 10YR, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 2 to 4. Chromas of 3 and 4 are due to impurities in sand grains rather than coatings on sand grains. In some pedons, there may be a 1 or 2 inch weakly expressed Bh horizon at the base of the E' horizon. Texture is sand or fine sand. The B/E horizon has vertical sandy intrusions or tongues greater than 5 cm in length of the overlying albic materials (E). The tongues range from about 5 cm or more in length and width and occupy more than 15 percent of the B/E horizon. The E part of the B/E horizon has colors and textures similar to the E and E' horizons. The Btg part of the B/E horizon has hue of 10YR to 5BG, value of 4 to 7, and chroma of 1 or 2; or it is neutral with value of 4 to 7. Redoximorphic features in shades of yellow or brown range from none to common. Clay content averages between 15 and 25 percent. Texture is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or sandy clay loam. The Btg horizon, where present, has colors and textures similar to that of the Btg part of the B/E horizon. The BC horizon, where present, has colors similar to the Btg and B/E horizons. Texture is sandy loam, fine sandy loam, or sandy clay loam. The Cg horizon has hue of 10YR to 5GY, value of 5 to 8, and chroma of 1 or 2; or it is neutral with value of 5 to 8. Texture is sand, fine sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, or sandy clay loam. In some pedons, it is sand mixed with shell fragments. COMPETING SERIES: These include Riviera and Tequesta series in the same family. The poorly drained Riviera soils are on similar positions but do not have high chroma in their Bw horizons. The very poorly drained Tequesta soils are on similar to slightly lower positions and have histic epipedons. GEOGRAPHIC SETTING: Pineda soils are in depressions, low hammocks, poorly defined drainageways, broad low flats, and flood plains of the lower Coastal Plain. They formed in beds of loamy and sandy marine sediments. The climate is humid semitropical. Slopes are less than 2 percent. The average annual air temperature ranges from 70 to 74 degrees F., and the average annual precipitation ranges from 50 to 60 inches. GEOGRAPHICALLY ASSOCIATED SOILS: These include the Anclote, Boca, EauGallie, Felda, Floridana, Hallandale, Holopaw, Immokalee, Malabar, Manatee, Myakka, Oldsmar, Parkwood, Pompano, Riviera, Wabasso, and Winder series. Anclote, Floridana, and Manatee soils are on similar to slightly lower positions, are very poorly drained, and have mollic epipedons. Boca and Hallandale soils are on similar positions, but Boca soils are moderately deep to limestone bedrock and Hallandale soils are shallow to limestone bedrock. EauGallie, Immokalee, Myakka, Oldsmar, and Wabasso soils are on similar to lower positions but have spodic horizons. Felda, Riviera, and Winder soils are on similar positions but lack Bw horizons. In addition, Winder soils have a sandy epipedon less than 20 inches thick. Holopaw and Malabar soils are on similar to lower positions and have Btg horizons 40 to 80 inches deep. The poorly drained Parkwood soils are on similar to slightly lower positions and have calcareous Bt horizons. The very poorly drained Pompano soils are sandy throughout. DRAINAGE AND PERMEABILITY: Poorly or very poorly drained; very slow permeability. USE AND VEGETATION: Areas of Pineda soils that are drained are used for citrus, truck crops, and tame pasture. In their undrained state, these soils are used for range. Natural vegetation consists of: slash pine, cypress, myrtle, cabbage palm, blue maidencane, chalky bluestem, bluepoint panicum, sedges, pineland threeawn, and sand cordgrass. DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Peninsular Florida. The series is of moderate extent. MLRA OFFICE RESPONSIBLE: Auburn, Alabama. SERIES ESTABLISHED: Brevard County, Florida; 1970. REMARKS: The water table is within depths of 12 inches for 1 to 6 months. In some areas the soil is flooded from 7 days to 6 months. Depressions are ponded for periods of 3 to 6 months in most years. Diagnostic horizons and features recognized in this pedon are: Aquic moisture regime. Arenic properties-- a sandy epipedon that is 36 inches thick. (A, E, Bw1, Bw2, E' horizons). Albic horizons Argillic horizon Glossic horizon - the zone from about 36 to 54 inches. National Cooperative Soil Survey U.S.A. |