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Deficiency of Vitamin D increases the risk of anemia in children


Deficiency of Vitamin D increases the risk of anemia in children

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Mild vitamin D deficiency had two-fold risk of developing the anemia.

24th October 2013, USA ( : You must have been familiar with iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency anemia where oxygen circulation in the body is affected by inadequacy of Iron and vitamin b respectively. Researchers have found a new causal factor for anemia- deficiency of Vitamin D.

The research involved more than 10400 children. Researchers collected their blood samples. It was found that children with anemia had below than normal levels of vitamin d in their body. Children with Vitamin D level below 30 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) i.e. Mild vitamin D deficiency had two-fold risk of developing the anemia. While those with severe Vitamin D deficiency required immediate treatment with Vitamin D supplements.

Researchers also found that chances of developing Vitamin D deficiency anemia are higher in black children. In the research sample 14% of black children had anemia while this proportion was only 2% of white children. It was found that black children, in general, have less quantity of vitamin D than white children. But their risk of anemia wasn’t high unless there was substantial difference between Vitamin D levels of both white and nonwhite children.

Researchers explained that this association can be brought about by various factors like role of vitamin D in producing blood cells or its effect on bone marrow.

The research however, did not establish a cause-effect relationship between Vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of anemia. However, more research is in progress. Researchers expressed hope that if the findings are proved, it will aid to detect the susceptibility to anemia in earlier stage. The disorder will become more manageable if course of action is directed before worsening of the illness.

The study does not, however, prove a direct cause-and-effect link between vitamin D levels and anemia risk, the researchers said.

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Deficiency of Vitamin D increases the risk of  anemia in children Mild vitamin D deficiency had two-fold risk of developing the anemia.
