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19 year old gets year for sex with 15 year old met on myspace

oh, ye vixen.

What drove me up the wall is the bull stories the girl kept telling. I know teenagers lie but dang, this was CYS (Cover your skin - this is a pg-13 site ) tactic and worse - 'grabbed her under the stairwell and raped her' - I mean, come on, who DOES that? But it's far more dramatic than "I consentually followed him to his apartment and we 'did it' on his nice mattress."

Now, unless there is a mattress under the stairwell (again - stairwells in Naples? Do we have stairs? Everything's flat! ), there's a vast difference in comfort between the girl's story and story the cops figured out. Perhaps the difference between rape and consensual?

Should he serve time? Well, yes. For stupidity. For not thinking, "Gee, she's awfully young looking 18 year old" (dude - look underneath the makeup, hair, nails, attitude - that's all surface - if you see a baby face, immature mannerisms or behaviors, this is not an 18 year old legal sexual partner.

Or perhaps he know she was 15 and didn't care.

Either way, he does deserve time in prison. He deserves community service. He deserves to be embarassed in front of his family, friends, co-workers, school-mates.

But the trouble with Florida's sex offender law is that it doesn't have levels. It doesn't have distinctions.

In New Jersey (sorry for the "up north, we did things different" line - I'm starting to hate that line too), where these laws first started years ago, they have THREE TIERS.

Level 1: You did a naughty thing. You serve your time. You do your community service. You're "on the list" but this list is kept by the state and local police just in case you do it again, but it's kept from your neighbors since it's unlikely you'll affect strangers.

Level 2: You're getting to be a problem. You're not a serial molester but you have some predilictions that are, shall we say, inappropriate. You're not likely to pull a stranger off the street, but you might groom someone for years. Again, you serve time, community service. But this time both the state AND local governments know. The local police know. The local schools know. Your neighbors within a certain radius know so they can have their kids avoid your house (ie - don't sell candy bars or magazines there). But does the whole town or world know? No. Just the people most likely to be affected by your indiscretion. Sometimes your name/address does get leaked out, and when it does - some vigilante always tries to come over and beat you up or shoot you. Vigilantes are often far more dangerous than the perp, at least in this case. In one case early on, the neighbor of the perv was shot and killed (mistaken identity) by a "do-gooder / I'll fix the problem once and for all"/ wanna-be hero". So, you need protection too.

Level 3: Oh, you're a psycho. You are the worst of the worst. they'd keep you locked up in the bottom of a barrel if it could be done. Your name is INFAMY. Posted on every street corner, up on the internet, in every church, school, playground, post office, workplaces.

In my mind, this date-gone-wrong situation (however you want to view it) gets treated as a LEVEL 3. Internet, billboards, full name in the paper. Branded for life.

I think that should be reserved for the special cases. Neighborhoods and local police CAN take care of their own.

But that's just my opinion. What do you think?

Ken, webmaster -search for people being sentenced in Collier County:
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19 year old gets year for sex with 15 year old met on myspace oh, ye vixen.
