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3D Printing, A Revolution In The Sex Toy Industry


3D Printing, A Revolution In The Sex Toy Industry

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3D printing technology can transform our lives in many ways., an online sex shop, is providing its customers with 3D designs to print their sex toys from home. Download your design and print your sex toy the way you want, it's that easy.

La Crique, France, July 17, 2014 /PressReleasePing/ - 3D printing technology can transform our lives in many ways., an online sex shop, is providing its customers with 3D designs to print their sex toys from home. Download your design and print your sex toy the way you want, it's that easy.

You see it every week in the news, a house was 3D printed or a plane flew with pieces coming out of a 3D printer. This new technology is advancing so quickly it is already entering our lives, and is about to enter our homes as the cost of 3D printers is falling all the time.

Thomas Sancelot, a web designer from France, knows that sex toys are something people want to print in 3D so he launched It is an online sex shop selling 3D sex toy designs to print with a 3D printer. You choose the sex toy you would like to have, you download the file, and then you 3D print it and enjoy your purchase. What is great with this technology is that you can customize your sex toy by scaling the design up or down, print it in the material and color you want. And last but not least, the embarrassment that sex toy enthusiasts had to endure is no longer an issue when you can print your sex toys privately from home.

Just as the 3D printinting technology, the 3D printed sex toy industry is bound to grow. The evolution of the technology will fill the needs of the customers.

Press Contact: Thomas Sancelot Sex Shop 3D La Crique, France +33658133289
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3D Printing, A Revolution In The Sex Toy Industry
