The New Book of Manfred Popp about Losing Weight Helps Improve Your Health
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The author explains, on the base of his own experiences, how to lose weight for the long run! How you can realize this goal and to the same time to get fitness and a good health.
Gaimersheim, Germany, January 04, 2015 /PressReleasePing/ - The author explains, on the base of his own experiences, how to lose weight for the long run! How you can realize this goal and to the same time to get fitness and a good health, you can read in the new book of Manfred Popp with the title: You can do what I did: lose weight, improve your health, stay fit! In this book of weight loss you can find very interesting weight loss tips.
Weightlessness? - no way!
Less weight? -Yes, of course!
How can you lose weight and enjoy life? Manfred Popp tells you how in his new book, titled:
"You can do what I did: lose weight, improve your health, stay fit!"
Over a period of nearly ten years, the author has lost approximately 45 pounds (not counting the grams), and, at age 75, has been feeling better than ever before in his life as a senior person. Now, he benefits from the following impressing results:
The upper blood pressure remains stabile in the "healthy" range. The lower blood pressure also moves in the "healthy" range. The pulse rate has leveled in an optimal range. His general health conditions has improved significantly. His physical condition is much better thab before.
The key to success was an increased, but still reasonable, physical exercise combined with a healthy diet. In sum, Mr. Popp is convinced that his program also works for other "best agers" as well as for younger peoples.
If want to feel like the author you need not lead a life of joyless and culinary misery.
Shortly thereafter Manfred Popp has retired with 64 years, he visited the doctor to perform a health check and it turned out that his blood pressure was clearly too high. His doctor said that either he has to take pills for the rest of his life or his excessive weight has to be reduced by at least 33 pounds.
The author chose the weight loss. By following the diet and training plan developed by him, he managed to reduce his weight by about 44 pounds.
Don't hesitate, and get hold of his book via
Press Contact: Manfred Popp Manfred Popp Franz-Schubert-Str.6 85080 Gaimersheim Germany 4984581856
Rate this! 1-5 starsWeightlessness? - no way!
Less weight? -Yes, of course!
How can you lose weight and enjoy life? Manfred Popp tells you how in his new book, titled:
"You can do what I did: lose weight, improve your health, stay fit!"
Over a period of nearly ten years, the author has lost approximately 45 pounds (not counting the grams), and, at age 75, has been feeling better than ever before in his life as a senior person. Now, he benefits from the following impressing results:
The upper blood pressure remains stabile in the "healthy" range. The lower blood pressure also moves in the "healthy" range. The pulse rate has leveled in an optimal range. His general health conditions has improved significantly. His physical condition is much better thab before.
The key to success was an increased, but still reasonable, physical exercise combined with a healthy diet. In sum, Mr. Popp is convinced that his program also works for other "best agers" as well as for younger peoples.
If want to feel like the author you need not lead a life of joyless and culinary misery.
Shortly thereafter Manfred Popp has retired with 64 years, he visited the doctor to perform a health check and it turned out that his blood pressure was clearly too high. His doctor said that either he has to take pills for the rest of his life or his excessive weight has to be reduced by at least 33 pounds.
The author chose the weight loss. By following the diet and training plan developed by him, he managed to reduce his weight by about 44 pounds.
Don't hesitate, and get hold of his book via
Press Contact: Manfred Popp Manfred Popp Franz-Schubert-Str.6 85080 Gaimersheim Germany 4984581856
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