Forgotten Cures: Cold Sores
Cold Sores
* Lysine 100 mg.take twice a will start
seeing results in 4 days. It can be found in any vitamin section.
* Buy a small bottle of Tinture of Myrrh. Remove bottle
lid, tip bottle over with tip of finger covering the opening, tip back
upright. rub small amount of solution from finger tip to the cold
sore. Works on internal mouth or external mouth sores. Bites and
stings a little, somewhat like alcohol would. I had a devil of a time
finding any Myrrh, but finally found it at Dr. Champion's store at: [Bob
* My dad made us use Kerosene, Just dab a clean rag or
paper towel, and just dab on affected area. It WORKS.
I am 60 and still use it. Been passed down for years... Butch
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