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Forgotten Cures: Cold in the Eyes

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Cold in the Eyes * When my youngest son was a baby he had a cold in his eyes. My doctor had given me medicine but it wasn't helping much. My mother-in-law said to me "do you want to get rid of the cold in his eye?" I told her yes. She said "will you do what I tell you?" Thinking to myself "she had eight healthy children," I told her yes. She told me to wipe his eyes with his wet diaper every time he wet. With some hesitation I did what she told me and in two day the cold was gone from his eyes. I have passed this remedy to my daughter-in-laws and my friends and they think it's great. It will work every time.Loretta Goss * When my babies gets a cold in their eyes I would just squirt a little breastmilk in them. With in a day or so their eyes would be all cleared up. Pam
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Forgotten Cures: Cold in the Eyes
