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RANDOM SOCIAL NETWORKING - how cool - how strange!

avatarUdut, Kenneth -- on Oct. 30 2008, from Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL
Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.

It's called NeedAddys -- gives you access to thousands of profiles if you want to meet random people.

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Simplify3 on Oct. 30 2008 edit · delete
What's strange about this is that it seems to be mostly a British phenomenon.

I guess MSN and Bebo really took off like wildfire in the UK, whereas in the USA it's Google and Myspace.

Still, it's a fun little diversion when you have nothing else to do.
RANDOM SOCIAL NETWORKING - how cool - how strange! It's called NeedAddys -- gives you access to thousands of profiles if you want to meet random people.
