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Pet adoption scams. This is believed to be a puppy mill or a get-money-from-you scam. If I have placed this here by mistake, let me know, but I leave these here as a warning.
Pet adoption scams. This is believed to be a puppy mill or a get-money-from-you scam. If I have placed this here by mistake, let me know, but I leave these here as a warning.
I have three beautiful English bulldog puppies, two females and one
male born on September 29th. they are ready for their new home. These
puppies have been a great litter and come from excellent bloodlines. I
take very good care of my puppies and handle them everyday with care.
I have three beautiful English bulldog puppies, two females and one
male born on September 29th. they are ready for their new home. These
puppies have been a great litter and come from excellent bloodlines. I
take very good care of my puppies and handle them everyday with care.
They are at that playful stage where they like to play tough of war
with socks. They will come vet checked and up to date on all
vaccinations.Please email for more information and pictures. Thank you.
Rate this! 1-5 starsmale born on September 29th. they are ready for their new home. These
puppies have been a great litter and come from excellent bloodlines. I
take very good care of my puppies and handle them everyday with care.
They are at that playful stage where they like to play tough of war
with socks. They will come vet checked and up to date on all
vaccinations.Please email for more information and pictures. Thank you.
Susane Hirschmann on Nov. 16 2009 edit · delete
I am interested in adopting one of your adorable bulldogs. I currently have a 1 year old yorkie that needs a playful and loving friend to be around. My boyfriend loves bulldogs and I would like to get one for him as an addition to our family. Please let me know if they are still available. Susane
I am interested in adopting one of your adorable bulldogs. I currently have a 1 year old yorkie that needs a playful and loving friend to be around. My boyfriend loves bulldogs and I would like to get one for him as an addition to our family. Please let me know if they are still available. Susane
Make sure who you buy your capuchin monkeys, teacup puppies, english bulldogs or whatever you like - is LOCAL. Caveat Emptor - if it seems too good to be true...