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Frugal: eggshell uses you won't believe

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Take a crack at these eggshell reuses:

1. Compost for Naturally Fertilized Soil

Eggshells quickly decompose in the compost pile ⁢⁣ and add valuable calcium and other minerals to the soil in the process.

2. Nontoxic Pest Control in the Garden

Scatter crushed eggshell around your plants and flowers to help deter plant-eating slugs, snails and cutworms without using eco-unfriendly pesticides. Also, deer hate the smell of eggs, so scattering eggshells around the flowerbed will help keep Bambi away from your begonias.

3. Less Bitter Coffee

Add an eggshell to the coffee in the filter, and your morning coffee will be less bitter. The spent coffee grounds, eggshell and bio-degradable filter are then conveniently ready for the compost pile.

4. Splendid Seedling Starters

Fill biodegradable eggshell halves with potting soil instead of using peat pots to start seedlings for the garden. And an egg carton on the windowsill is the perfect way to start a dozen tomato seedlings in shells before transplanting to the garden in the spring.

5. Eco-friendly Household Abrasive

Shake crushed eggshells and a little soapy water to scour hard-to-clean items like thermoses and vases. Crushed eggshells can also be used as a nontoxic abrasive on pots and pans.

6. Eggy, Crafty Projects

"Blow out ⁢⁣ " the inside of a raw egg and paint/decorate the hollow shell to make your Faberge eggs or other craft projects. Pieces of egg shell (plain or dyed) are also used in mosaic art projects ⁢⁣ .

7. Clever Jello and Chocolate Molds (I would first rinse out real good with vinegar)

Carefully fill "blown out" eggshells (above) with jello or chocolate to make unique egg-shaped treats; peel away the eggshell mold before serving, or serve as is and let your guests discover the surprise inside.

8. Natural Drain Cleaner

Keep a couple of crushed eggshells in your kitchen sink strainer at all times. They trap additional solids and they gradually break up and help to naturally clean your pipes on their way down the drain.

9. Membrane Home Remedies  

The super-thin membrane inside the eggshell has long been used as a home remedy ⁢⁣ for a wide range of ailments, from healing cuts to treating ingrown toenails.

10. Treat Skin Irritations

Dissolve an eggshell in a small jar of apple cider vinegar (takes about two days) and use the mixture ⁢⁣ to treat minor skin irritations and itchy skin.

11. Egg on Your Face

Pulverize dried egg shells with a mortar and pestle, then whisk the powder in with an egg white and use for a healthful, skin-tightening facial. Allow the face mask to dry before rinsing it off.

12. The Fuel of Tomorrow?

Just when your brain was totally fried by all my ingenious reuses for eggshells, researchers at Ohio State University recently discovered that eggshells might be the key to producing affordable hydrogen fuel ⁢⁣ . I've heard of walking on eggshells, but maybe some day we'll be driving on them too.
Peeling skin next to your fingernails, often called a quick, can get very sore especially if the skin is pulled at or torn off. This tip to solve the problem is magic. Tear off small pieces of the egg membrane and put them wet side down on the problem areas. Leave it there until it dries. Even if you wash it off before it falls off it will have done its job. Check the next day and if there are any areas that are not quite right apply more egg skin. Quite often one application is all that is needed.
  • Use egg skin membrane on any cut or scratch. It will promote healing. Put the wet side of the membrane on the cut and leave it there until it dries. An alternative method is to spread a little egg white over the top of the membrane after it is in place over the cut and if necessary bandage over that. Using egg skin will bring quick healing without any scarring.
  • Use the eggshell membrane to draw out blackheads or to clear up pimples.
  • Use egg membrane on splinters or glass fragments that are difficult to pick out with tweezers. This is a bit similar to using it for blackheads. As it dries it will tend to draw the splinter out a little enabling you to pull it out.
  • Useful for ingrown toenails.
  • Try using the wet egg membrane on boils. Keep reapplying until the boil is dislodged.
The membrane lining of the egg shell contains anti microbial substances. This would be part of the reason for its success in these healing situations. Apparently there have been some dressing developed using this membrane for use in skin grafts and burn situations. The healing time when using egg skin membrane is always reduced and scarring is greatly minimized.
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Frugal: eggshell uses you won't believe
