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Make Greek Yogurt for 1/2 the price!

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It's so easy, you won't believe it.

Love the thick, creamy Greek Yogurt but hate that it costs more?



1) Buy a large container of yogurt. I prefer fat-free because you get more protein for the same cost (that's what's there instead of the fat - more protein). Make sure its the store brand.

2) Get a coffee filter and a large strainer that the coffee filter fits in plus a bowl or measuring cup or some other container that the strainer fits over without falling in.

3) Put the filter in the strainer, the strainer into the cup and into the filter, put the yogurt and don't be afraid to fill it up.

4) Put the whole thing into your frige for about 4 hours.

5) Test the consistancy after 4 hours. It's probably ready! If not, just let it drip out the whey for another hour or two.

When its the right consistancy (it practically sticks to the spoon), take out the coffee filter with both hands over a bowl and let the yogurt PEEL off the side of the coffee filter. You can scrape it off but you'll find that it just about PEELS off the filter. Easy, simple, easy.

That's all there is to it!

I find that 2 cups of regular yogurt drains 1/2 cup of whey, leaving me with 1 1/2 cups of Greek Yogurt at the cost of $1.00 (I use 1/2 of the large container of yogurt).

That's 12 oz or 2 6 oz containers worth of Greek yogurt at 50 cents a cup.

Add a bit of honey (yum yum) or cocoa mix for chocolate, or some walnuts or granola or frozen berries or a little peanut butter - anything you like can go into this stuff.

My straining tools are:

1) Bunn coffee filters (they're taller filters than most)

2) a "permanent coffee filter" (one of those wire mesh permanent coffee filters that never worked for me as a coffee filter (I hated washing it) but it's a perfect strainer!

3) A 2 cup Pyrex measuring cup.

Everything fits together absolutely PERFECTLY and it doesn't take up any room in the frige.

Enjoy your Greek Yogurt!

P.S. - to make Yogurt based cream cheese, let it drain even longer and squish out the excess whey every once in a while. Before you know it, you're peeling cream cheese off of the cofee filter.

Kenneth Udut Naples, Florida Always looking for a cheaper way to get the food I want to eat that's healthy.

P.S.2.: I'll post how I make 4 cups (32 oz) yogurt for one 80 cent package of powdered milk. Doing this cuts yogurt costs by 60 percent (and greek yogurt costs by 80 percent!!)


Make Greek Yogurt for 1/2 the price! It's so easy, you won't believe it.
