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Friends of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park Honor Founders


Friends of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park Honor Founders

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The Founders’ Day Luncheon put together by Friends of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park was a delightful picnic in the park, celebrating the original creation of the Park.

The Friends of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park recently held their annual picnic luncheon to honor their founders who had the foresight to establish a volunteer organization in 1987. The Friends is a non-profit Citizens Support Organization (CSO) that supports environmental awareness, education, and stewardship of the Park.

Their mission is to promote public awareness, use, and enjoyment of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park; to assist park management and staff with facility maintenance, resource management, visitor services, and recycling; to improve the park through fund raising events; and to learn more about the natural environment of this barrier island and other parks managed by the Florida Park Service.

This year’s Founders’ Day Luncheon honored those members who signed the original charter -- Ludwig Erb and Rosemary Miktuk, two of the original five signers, were in attendance. Also honored for their work during the early years were Joan Erb, Edie Sadowski, Dorothy Atzingen, and Art and Kay Peley.

Lavern Norris Gaynor, daughter of Lester and Dellora Norris was an honored guest. She spoke of her mother convincing her father to finance the purchase of the land in order to save it from development. On April 24, 1964 acquisition of the park was made possible.

Mrs. Gaynor praised the efforts of the Friends for raising funds to enhance the Park’s amenities that are not otherwise funded through the State. Gaynor was also most grateful for the newly created area called Dellora’s Garden in honor of her mother. A plaque honoring the Norris family was placed near the beach in 1988 and is now the focal point of the newly appointed garden.

Mark Nicoletti, Assistant Park Manager welcomed over 50 members and guests. Brittany Smith, Park Ranger, read a clever poem that she had written about her love for the Park and her appreciation of the Friends. Carolyn Shaw, Park Specialist and Volunteer Cordinator presented awards to the members for volunteer hours contributed. Rosemary Miktuk spoke about the 1987 volunteers and that they were the seventh in the state to be organized as a CSO. Also in attendance was former State Representative, Mary Ellen Hawkins, who shared remarks about the naming of the Park and the dedication, of which she was in attendance. Dr. Lois Bolin, co-founder of Naples Back Yard History was also an honored guest.

For more information about the park, visit or to find out how to become a Friend of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park, call 239-597-6196.
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Friends of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park Honor Founders
 The Founders’ Day Luncheon put together by Friends of Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park was a delightful picnic in the park, celebrating the original creation of the Park.
