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Natural Disaster, plastic rings on six-packs and more...

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Hints From Heloise

By Heloise Saturday, July 7, 2007; 12:00 AM

Dodging Disaster

Dear Readers: No one likes to think about being faced with a NATURAL DISASTER, but thinking "it can never happen to me" could have catastrophic consequences for you and your pets. Yet you can have peace of mind if you have a plan.

The American Veterinary Medical Association has put together a disaster-preparedness booklet that lists everything you'll need to do before, during and after a disaster strikes.

You'll learn why it's important to not wait until it's too late! You'll find out how you can prepare your animals if an evacuation is ordered and what to do if you're not at home. This booklet not only covers dogs and cats, but horses, birds, reptiles (yes, snakes are pets, too), amphibians, ferrets (and other small mammals) and even livestock.

After the disaster, it's difficult enough trying to recover, but knowing you have done all you can for your animals will make it a lot less stressful.

Visit for this invaluable booklet, "Saving the Whole Family," and begin to rest a little easier.

P.S.: Stop and think: If you had to leave right now with your pet, could you "grab and go"?


Dear Heloise: The plastic rings on top of six-packs of sodas, juices, etc., that hold the cans together can be harmful to birds. When birds are looking for scraps, their feet can get tangled in the plastic.

When I take the plastic off, I cut it up and throw it away. I hope all the animal lovers out there will take a couple of seconds to do this. -- Victoria Simpson, Dallas

Victoria, those rings can be dangerous and deadly to many animals, including turtles, fish and other wildlife. Anyone who fishes, scuba dives, boats, etc., in fresh or salt water has probably seen the results of an animal encounter! It's not a pretty sight. Stop and take a second, readers, to snip before tossing or recycling these plastic rings.


Dear Readers: Michele Griffin of Ventura, Calif., sent a photo of her papillon, Maggie, who is literally sitting on top of her head watching TV. Michelle says, "We think she is adorable, hope you do, too."

If your newspaper doesn't print the pet photo, be sure to go to my Web site, www., and click on Pet of the Week -- you'll find Maggie there!


Dear Heloise: We have several cats and a new baby. My husband attached an inexpensive screen door going into the baby's room. It keeps the pets out of the room, but we can look in and check on him. The door has a screen protector at the bottom, and we painted it to match the walls. -- A New Mom, via e-mail


Dear Heloise: Here is one more for your unique pet names. My sister-in-law named two of their dogs Timex and Rolex. The reason? Because they were her "watch" dogs. -- C.E. Wood, via e-mail

(c)2007 by King Features Syndicate Inc.
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Natural Disaster, plastic rings on six-packs and more...
