Top secret grocery store tips
Hints From Heloise
By Heloise Monday, June 25, 2007; 12:00 AM
Sounding Off From a Grocery Store
Dear Readers: Here's a Sound Off that we all should think about. This feature usually runs at the end of this column, but Heloise Central felt it deserved top billing.
Dear Heloise: I work in a grocery store. One of my biggest concerns is people who pick up meat, frozen items and PERISHABLES and leave them anywhere in the store.
We have a lot of young people who don't care if an item is thawed out and will put it back in the freezer. You would not believe how our store looks at the end of the day. Shoppers leave things everywhere. They pick items up, take two steps and put them down with no regard.
People drop their shopping lists, tissues and gum wrappers in every conceivable place. Just take the product to the register -- the cashier will make sure it gets back to its home.
One more thing: Try reading the lists of items that hang in the aisles before you ask where something is. Many times you are standing right next to the item you are asking me about. -- Frustrated in Little Rock, Ark.
Dear Frustrated: You are not alone in your observations. Many in retail stores, clothing stores, convenience stores, bookstores, etc., see the same apparently "oblivious to others" actions of customers. I'm not sure how to help, except to say please think before you act!
Dear Heloise: Just caught up with your message on peanut-butter jars. I have been saving them for years. Here's what I do with them:
Use to store pasta, rice and beans.
They are good for most food items -- a good way to prevent weevils and pantry moths.
They can make good freezer containers (plastic, not glass -- Heloise).
Use as "to go" containers when a party is over and there are lots of leftovers.
-- Alice Nun in Southern California
Dear Heloise: Here is my idea for an inexpensive "spa" treatment for hot, tired feet. Massage them with medicated face-cleansing cream and rinse. I find that the store brand works just as well as the name brand. It makes my feet feel cool and smooth. -- Mary from Rockville, Md.
Dear Heloise: The simplest way to keep track of books lent to others is to have them sign my record book before giving it to them; no denial will fly. A gentleman remarked: "Well, I'll be sure this one gets back to her, now that she has my signed 'John Henry'!"
For easy access, an address label is already on the inside front page. I may comment: "Please return within three weeks, as others are waiting to read it." And I jot the loan date on the label and on my record in case of needed follow-up. -- Dorothy Ruth Hall, Kerrville, Texas
Dear Heloise: When making egg salad, I use a potato masher to chop the eggs. It makes the job go really fast! -- Anicla from New Jersey
(c)2007 by King Features Syndicate Inc.
1 rate By Heloise Monday, June 25, 2007; 12:00 AM
Sounding Off From a Grocery Store
Dear Readers: Here's a Sound Off that we all should think about. This feature usually runs at the end of this column, but Heloise Central felt it deserved top billing.
Dear Heloise: I work in a grocery store. One of my biggest concerns is people who pick up meat, frozen items and PERISHABLES and leave them anywhere in the store.
We have a lot of young people who don't care if an item is thawed out and will put it back in the freezer. You would not believe how our store looks at the end of the day. Shoppers leave things everywhere. They pick items up, take two steps and put them down with no regard.
People drop their shopping lists, tissues and gum wrappers in every conceivable place. Just take the product to the register -- the cashier will make sure it gets back to its home.
One more thing: Try reading the lists of items that hang in the aisles before you ask where something is. Many times you are standing right next to the item you are asking me about. -- Frustrated in Little Rock, Ark.
Dear Frustrated: You are not alone in your observations. Many in retail stores, clothing stores, convenience stores, bookstores, etc., see the same apparently "oblivious to others" actions of customers. I'm not sure how to help, except to say please think before you act!
Dear Heloise: Just caught up with your message on peanut-butter jars. I have been saving them for years. Here's what I do with them:
Use to store pasta, rice and beans.
They are good for most food items -- a good way to prevent weevils and pantry moths.
They can make good freezer containers (plastic, not glass -- Heloise).
Use as "to go" containers when a party is over and there are lots of leftovers.
-- Alice Nun in Southern California
Dear Heloise: Here is my idea for an inexpensive "spa" treatment for hot, tired feet. Massage them with medicated face-cleansing cream and rinse. I find that the store brand works just as well as the name brand. It makes my feet feel cool and smooth. -- Mary from Rockville, Md.
Dear Heloise: The simplest way to keep track of books lent to others is to have them sign my record book before giving it to them; no denial will fly. A gentleman remarked: "Well, I'll be sure this one gets back to her, now that she has my signed 'John Henry'!"
For easy access, an address label is already on the inside front page. I may comment: "Please return within three weeks, as others are waiting to read it." And I jot the loan date on the label and on my record in case of needed follow-up. -- Dorothy Ruth Hall, Kerrville, Texas
Dear Heloise: When making egg salad, I use a potato masher to chop the eggs. It makes the job go really fast! -- Anicla from New Jersey
(c)2007 by King Features Syndicate Inc.