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How to get back the books you lend out

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Hints From Heloise

By Heloise Thursday, May 24, 2007; 12:00 AM

A Plan for Borrowing Books

Dear Heloise: I've been reading the hints about LENDING BOOKS. When I get a new book, I, too, put my name and phone number on the first page. After I have read the book, I put a rating number (1 to 10) in a circle next to my name (helps me remember if I liked it or not). I then fill out a 3-by-5 index card listing the title, author and my circled rating number. This card goes into the book. When I lend the book out, I put the date and the person's name on the index card, which then goes into a file box. When two or three weeks have gone by, I call to see if the person enjoyed the book. My friends know that I pass the books around, so this reminder tells them to read it quickly or return it. -- Lynn B. Huron, Oak Ridge, N.J.

We have gotten a lot of responses from these columns. It seems a lot of people have issues when books are loaned out. And here's one more comment from Lori, via e-mail: "This is for the reader who lends out books and doesn't know how to tactfully get them back. In addition to putting a note inside the front cover, I attach a sticky note on the last page so that when they are done reading it, they will remember who gave it to them."

Here are two good hints from Chris G. of Lincoln, Calif.:


If the paper received in junk mail is not printed on both sides, I cut it into four pieces, attach it together with a large paper clip and use it for scratch paper.


When cleaning spots from my carpet, instead of getting down on my knees, I put a thick, white sock on my foot, spray the spot and clean it up by rubbing my foot on it. Saves the knees and works wonderfully.


Dear Heloise: I read your smart-ideas column. Every day after receiving the newspaper and reading your column, I cut the article out and glue it to a little scrapbook I have made especially for your handy hints! Keep on writing, and I will keep on reading, learning and cutting them out. What a way to keep life organized! -- Anna Victoria Reich, Stafford, Va.


Dear Heloise: Once a month, our church has us donate nonperishable items such as canned goods, paper products, cereal and such. It's given to a local organization that distributes it to the needy.

I buy the weekly grocery-store specials, keep what I need and give the rest to the church. Also I get the "buy one and get one free" specials. -- Nancy in Ohio

(c)2007 by King Features Syndicate Inc.
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How to get back the books you lend out
