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AVG Anti Virus- Free Anti-Virus software (for real!) Found 191 viruses on my laptop - yow!

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Webmaster recommended!

I recommend AVG Anti-Virus for those with Windows 95/98/2000/XP/Vista computers.

Highly, highly recommended!

An old laptop of mine was acting funny and anti-spyware programs said my computer was free of problems.

I downloaded AVG Anti-virus (free version) from:

and in the MIDDLE of installing (it wasn't even done installing yet) it found a TROJAN HORSE and got rid of it. THEN it finished installing. I was impressed!

When I scanned my computer, it got rid of 191 viruses -- heck, I didn't think anybody was doing viruses anymore - I thought it was all about spyware now. I was wrong!

Anyhow, get it! I remember having troubles with older versions of AVG, but now they seem to have fixed them.

Highly recommended piece of software. It really IS free, and it really DOES work.

Kenneth Udut webmaster
AVG Anti Virus- Free Anti-Virus software (for real!) Found 191 viruses on my laptop - yow! Webmaster recommended!
