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Health Canada’s Approval of Abortion Pill, Meets Support from Canadian Masses


Health Canada’s Approval of Abortion Pill, Meets Support from Canadian Masses

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A poll on the affirmative decision of Health Canada on ru486 for pregnancy termination was applauded across the nation, as it met majority support from the citizens.

11 August 2015, United States ( A poll on the affirmative decision of Health Canada on ru486 for pregnancy termination was applauded across the nation, as it met majority support from the citizens. Though it took more than two years for the institution in ruling in favor of the medicine, it is a very inviting change towards enhanced reproductive services for women. 62% of Canadians, almost two-thirds of population assented on Health Canada’s ruling, as depicted by a recent show of Forum Research poll.

The product which is going to be used now by females contains Mifepristone, anti-progesterone taken orally with water and known to cause cervical dilation to remove pregnancy parts from the lining of uterus. This mechanism causes cut of nutrients and oxygen from fetus, leaving it without life in few hours. The drug in Canada is going to be sold under the brand Mifegymiso .

The critics name this Abortion pill as extremely dangerous, but the supports find it essential in supporting women’s freedom and independence to their reproductive system. Around 20% of the masses could not give an opinion on Health Canada’s judgment, while 18% of people disapproved of it right away. In France, this drug has been thriving for use since 1988, while in United States from 2000.

Mifegymiso is going to be used in combination with another tablet, Misoprostol that is going to result in real eviction of embryo from womb. By uterus contractions, the womb will rid the pregnancy parts. Bleeding from vagina will start like menstrual cycle, a bit heavier blood flow and larger clots, accompanied with pain and cramps in abdomen to cause fetus sections emerge out in the end.

A third of pregnancy terminations at the southern part of United States are done by taking abortion pill as contrasted to surgical method, known as curettage or dilation. Use of instruments was a reason why females seek medicines instead. However, before sanction of Mifepristone powered drug surgical curettage was most widely utilized by Canadians women.

Though Health Canada did have the required safety data about ru486 from the rest of the world, it took greater than two years and a half to approve the same. The data indicated that around two million of American women ended their pregnancy safely with abortion pill. In late July, the ruling was celebrated by females’ health advocates. The timing of decision is said to be motivated due to political interests.

The 42nd election program of Canada is accelerating ahead, but only a number of people wish to discuss about old issues now, as seen in polling results. Lorne Bozinoff, the president of Forum Research says that Canada does not have cultural wars like U.S over abortion pill. The people wish to use the medicine than surgery to terminate pregnancy early as it can be uses from the 4th to the 9th week of gestation.

When backed by Misoprostol, this drug can eventually end pregnancy in 2 weeks. But, the support for these medicines differ as per the people’s income and demographic. Those from low income groups and social-economic strata along with conservative voters oppose the utilization of abortion pill, while wealthy, democrat and liberals extend a hand to this decision. Around 74% of citizens with $100,000 as annual earning assert to the ruling than non-supportive 47% of people making 20,000 in a year or less.

Those aged between 18 and 34 show the majority support for ru486, amounting to 65% positive vote, opposed to those aged over 65, where the assent is only at 60 percent. 63% of Women agree to the cause to only 60% of men. French speaking citizens in Canada show lesser agreement on abortion pill use than Anglophones. Despite the recent assertion of the medicine, it was available off label in black market.

Quebec consists of more than half of all the pregnancy termination clinics in the nation, most of them within the distance of 150 kilometers from the United States border, while four of them are in Atlantic Canada. Thus, availability of abortion pill is now welcome for those who could not access these places to get surgical pregnancy end, lessening divide between the urban and rural regions.

Contact: Joanna Lewis Toll Free: + 1-866-846-7101 For more information visit
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Health Canada’s Approval of Abortion Pill, Meets Support from Canadian Masses A poll on the affirmative decision of Health Canada on ru486 for pregnancy termination was applauded across the nation, as it met majority support from the citizens.
