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avatarUdut, Kenneth -- on Oct. 4 2007, from Golden Gate Estates, Naples, FL
Founder of this Naples site of NeighborHelp Referrals.

Having fun on fubar - here's a dictionary of some terms that may be unique to that service. (18+)
To join:

fubar Dictionary

Alerts – fubar generates audio and text alerts for the variety of member interactions. Turn up your speakers and keep track of your Alert Box to see what’s going on with your friend network.

Alert Box – Your Alert Box is located on the top of your homepage and keeps track of all of your alerts.

Avatar – a member’s main photo which is displayed on their profile.

Block – Blocking a member prevents another member from messaging you, commenting on your page, bulletins, blogs, stashes, etc. The blocked member is also no longer able to rate your pictures or profile.

Bouncer – Bouncers are volunteers from the fubar community who have been selected by fubar staff to help moderate and assist members with any questions they might have. All Bouncers have Orange colored name tags.

BRB – Be Right Back

Bulletin – A Bulletin is a message that can be sent to all of your Friends or all of your Friends and Fans. To send a bulletin, click on the MY BULLETIN BOARD link from your homepage. You will see an option to send the bulletin to all of your Friends or both your Friends and Fans.

Viewing History – This is a list of fubar members you have visited.

fuBank – There's no other place on fubar to earn thousands of fubar Points and fuBucks so quickly and easily! Once our offer partners (like Blockbuster, for instance) report to us that you signed up with them, we will credit you with the fubar Points/Bucks for that offer.

fuBank Account – Every member has their own bank account where you can check on the status of your fubar Points/Bucks.

Blasts – Blasts are shoutouts, that are posted on the top right hand side of your HomePage. blasts are purchased with real USD and range from one to thirty days in duration and range in price from $7.50 to $50 USD. All Blasts are approved for content and payment before they are posted.

fuBucks - As you earn fubar Points, you will also earn fuBucks. You can use these fuBucks to buy virtual gifts for anyone on fubar! Use them to either flirt, cheer someone up or just for fun! You will find the fubar Gift Shop link on a member's profile page in the top left navigation under “Buy a Gift.”

fubar Points – fubar Points are earned by interacting with other members on fubar. When you reach a certain level, you will unlock features and benefits such as increased photo storage, more ratings and more. You can see your point total on your home page or profile page. fubar Points also help your fubar Ranking. Each fubar Point equals one fuBuck. Points can be earned by rating others on their photos, blogs, stashes, and making comments, rating profiles, and having a VIP membership upgrade.

fubar Spotlight – The fubar Spotlight is a feature that members bid fuBucks on that highlights their profile at the top everyone’s page. The Spotlight runs for 24 hours and can only be won once every two months..

fubar Marriage – fubar Marriages are a member driven tradition where two members go through a make believe wedding on fubar complete with a fubar Pastor and virtual chapel, which is usually a lounge.

Comment Bombing – Comment bombing is a commenting technique where members visit a photo in a gallery and post as many comments possible to help a member win a contest or level up.

Crush – A crush is an anonymous infatuation with another fubar member! You may only have a crush on one member at a time, but you can change or remove it whenever you like. If anyone has a crush on you, the number will be posted on your homepage and public profile page. The Crush feature is anonymous and will not tell you who they are! When you have a crush on another member, they will receive an alert that someone has a crush on them, but it won't say who.

fubar Support – The “fubar Support” lounge is a 24 hour technical support chat room run by volunteer members who are standing by to help problem solve any questions you have about the site. If you do not get the answer you are looking for, please contact a Bouncer or you can leave a private message on the fubar Support page.

Family – Your family are people that you are the closest too. You can add someone to your family by going to their homepage and clicking on the “add to family” link. Your family members are displayed in a separate tab on the left side of your homepage.

Family Block - When this flag is ON, any member who is blocked by anyone in your family is also blocked from you. For example, if family member Joe blocks user Jack, Jack is also blocked from doing anything on your profile (leaving a comment, sending you IM's, messages, etc).

Fans – A fan is a member who has clicked the “become a fan” link on a member’s homepage. Anyone can be a fan of any member. You can not delete your fans.

Friend Request – A request that you send out to another fubar member and allows you to leave a short message asking to seek mutual friendship. If the person accepts your request they are added onto your Friends list which is featured under the friends tab on the left hand side of your profile.

Gift - A virtual gift that you can be purchas for any member with your fuBucks from the fubar Gift Shop.

Gift Shop – The Gift Shop is a place where you can buy virtual gifts for any fubar member.

Happy Hour – For only $100.00 USD, you can sponsor a fubar happy hour. During this hour everyone gets double the fubar Points, all gifts are half price, you get a commission of ALL fubar Points awarded during your Happy Hour and your thumbnail appears right next to the fubar logo as the sponsor. You will also receive a summary of everyone who levels up during your Happy Hour.

HB – Hurry Back

Homepage – Your homepage is your personal web page and is only viewable by you. This is where the majority of your personal information is stored. This includes your cherry bank, your stashes, your mumms, your messages and all of your pertinent personal information.

Invite -- Invite your friends to fubar Remember: You earn 500 points for every member that signs up AND a percentage of their fubar Points!

Legend – A ranking of the top 100 fubar members who have the most fans on the site.

LMAO – Laugh My Ass Off

Lounge - The lounge feature allows members to set up and customize their own chat room or meeting area where everyone can come and hangout talk. Members can easily subscribe and unsubscribe to their favorite lounges.

Member ID – This your assigned membership ID number. For example, , the number at the end of the URL is your fubar ID.

Morph – An animated photo that morphs from one image to another.

Mumm– MuMM: Makeup My Mind! MuMM's are polls which allow the fubar community to post a question and let the entire community vote and comment their opinion. The community helps you make up your mind! Please, no adult or inappropriate content!

My Gift Box – is found on your HomePage and has a listing of the latest gifts you have received from other members. You can also see your gifts that you have sent to others from this box.

New Members – New Members can be found by clicking on the green “New Member’s” link at the top of your homepage. You can also find new members in the Online User’s bar. The new member’s photos have a green border.

Ninja referral - Ninja Referrals are people who joined after looking at the member's profile or photos. If you post links to your profile around the internet and people end up joining the site through the link, you will receive 500 fuBucks per legitimate referral.

NP – No Problem

NSFW - A photo is deemed (Not Safe For Work) NSFW if it is: explicitly sexual in nature (suggestive), overtly tasteless and/or Slandering to any person or ethnicity. In addition to the above criteria, if a photo is a primary photo, it will be flagged as NSFW if it also contains a suggestive body part without the member’s face in the photo. If you have a borderline photo that is not considered NSFW, and it was marked as such, there's a chance someone who has ripped that photo is using it as a Primary Photo. Remember: The Bouncers will be STRICTER with those used as Primary Photos.

Accounts will be terminated for abusing the adult content policy. This includes Bulletins, Comments, MUMMs, Stash entries and Blogs.

Online User’s Bar - The online user’s bar is the scrolling bar located at the top of your homepage. The online members bar features fubar members who are online at the moment. The “green” outlined thumbnails are new members to the site. If you upload a primary photo, you will show up in the Online Members bar.

Point Whoreing – When members solicit for fubar Points any way possible.

Profile Viewers – are the other members from that have come and visit your home page or your photos, blogs, stashes, bulletins, MuMMs etc.

Referral Path – This shows who invited you to fubar.

Rip - fubar allows members to "rip" content from one another. It is always best to ask a member before you take a photo, skin or one of their trackz. Each "ripped" item will show the path of its originator.

Salute - A salute is a candid photo of yourself proving to the world that you're the real person behind your fubar profile. Your face should be clearly visible and a hand written note with your Screen Name, Member ID number and the words In addition, you may show your homepage on your computer in the background and/or a fubar, cherryTAP or LostCherry t-shirt. All Salutes are approved by the fubar bouncers. Using fake or bogus photos will result in your account being removed.

Shoutbox - Your Shoutbox™ is your private chat area -- only you can read the messages inside your Shoutbox™. With this feature you can instantly chat with anyone on fubar. You can send someone a shout in three ways:

1) Click on the shoutbox links throughout fubar (i.e. on a member profile in the upper left hand side, on a bulletin, etc.) or 2) Click on the member's name when it appears in your Shoutbox™. 3) Use the 'IM:' field inside the window that pops up when you preview a profile.

Skins - The “my skins” feature allows members to easily edit their page layout or browse other member’s designs to rip. You can activate multiple skins and one will be selected at random each time someone checks your profile.

Stash – The Stash is where you can store all the cool stuff you find on the Internet: videos, pics, jokes, surveys, trackz, or whatever! Your Stash will be shown on your profile so that you can share this stuff with the entire fubar community. In the future, we'll have promotions to award members with the BEST fubar Stash!

Sticky bulletin – is a bulletin that you feel is really important. Members pay five dollars and the bulletin is posted at the top of the bulletin list and remains there for twenty four hours.

Top Members – The Top member ranking is calculated based on a users overall rating, the number of times they've been rated, how often their profile is viewed, how many people they've invited who joined, and how many fans they have.

Top Promoters – Top Promoters are the members who have generated the most legitimate referrals in the last 24 hours. Their names are colored Purple and they are featured in the Top Promoters box.

Top Scores -- Shows the top scores of members in order of highest up to the top 1000 fubar members.

Top Ten – The top ten are the highest ranking fubar members. The ranking is calculated based on a users overall rating, the number of times they've been rated, how often their profile is viewed, how many people they've invited who joined, and how many fans they have.

Trackz – A place for you to store your favorite music and music videos. The Trackz feature allows you to choose random videos to autoplay on your profile. fubar does not host video or mp3 files.

User Tool Tips – Tool tips are small boxes of information that appear when you move your mouse over someone's image. The information displayed includes the persons name, photo, location, fubar Rank, their rating and direct links to their profile and photo pages!

VIP - Very Important Person is a paid membership which gives members more photo storage and enhanced features. Upon signing up you get a $10,000 fuBuck bonus! (See details about more benefits under the VIP description and learn how you can earn even more points and special gifts!)

WB – Welcome Back

Winning Bid - The highest number of fuBucks bid for an item, auction or spotlight.

Wish List – Items that are not currently available on, but features that you would like to see added. Stop by the fubar Support lounge and add your wish to the list.
555 1 rate


Gene Boi on Feb. 11 2010 edit · delete
  • Feb 11 2010 Fubar sure was unique and Special, but blanking your computer once is enough, it would be nice if we can file class action suite against Fubar instead of submitting a federal claim (witch I haven't submit, have you?)Hopefully the court can rule out since, creative work of many people that saved on they computers can not be fully represented by monetary compensations, Fubar employees have to be out butlers for a week ! dictionary Having fun on fubar - here's a dictionary of some terms that may be unique to that service. (18+) [nl] To join:
