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Week of 10/01/07

Week of 10/01/07

Articles published during this week - facebok or myspace for adults. - online bar. (and happy hour!)  »
By simplify3, Jesical baby, commented on Sep. 13 2010, 444
In Social Networking Services dictionary -  Having fun on fubar - here's a dictionary of some terms that may be unique to that service. (18+)
To join:  »
By simplify3, Udut, Kenneth, edited on Sep. 5 2010, 555
In Social Networking Services
Kenneth Udut -  Kenneth Udut is getting everywhere.  »
By simplify3, Udut, Kenneth, link posted on Aug. 10 2010, 444
In Kudut - Where Rednecks Go To Work - is the exclusive site for hard working men and women looking for a better job and a better life.  »
By RedneckJobs, , link updated on Oct. 13 2009, 444
In Ads
National Wildlife Refuge Week! Sign up NOW! -  October 6 thru 13 - Ten Thousand Islands Refuge Habitat Research and Adventures  »
By Takako, , link updated on Oct. 7 2009, 555
In Collier County
The trouble with online local networking -  Don't want a meat market? Don't already know the people? Then where do you go?  »
By simplify3, created on Oct. 6 2007, 444
In Simplify3
7 new messages in 7 topics - digest By noreply, created on Oct. 6 2007, 444
In Weather
11 new messages in 11 topics - digest By noreply, created on Oct. 6 2007, 444
In Weather - The first employment web site designed for “redneck workers.” - is the exclusive site for hard working men and women looking for a better job and a better life.  »
By RedneckJobs, created on Oct. 5 2007, 444
In Ads
5 new messages in 5 topics - digest By noreply, created on Oct. 4 2007, 444
In Weather
12 new messages in 12 topics - digest By noreply, created on Oct. 4 2007, 444
In Weather
List of XML-RPC endpoints for various softwares. -  This is a nice list found on:  »
By simplify3, created on Oct. 3 2007, 444
In Local
4 new messages in 4 topics - digest By noreply, created on Oct. 2 2007, 444
In Weather
Spock, Rapleaf and People Search Engines of Web 2.0 -  Certified reputation? I'll play along.  »
By simplify3, created on Oct. 2 2007, 444
In Webmaster
15 new messages in 15 topics - digest By noreply, created on Oct. 2 2007, 444
In Weather
Lee County Chat - very active forums for Lee County (with some Collier County too) -  Most active messageboard in SWFLA that I've seen YET! I'm very impressed.  »
By simplify3, published on Sep. 30 2007, 444
In Links to everything within Collier County
10 new messages in 10 topics - digest By noreply, created on Sep. 30 2007, 444
In Weather
5 new messages in 5 topics - digest By noreply, created on Sep. 30 2007, 444
In Weather
25 new messages in 25 topics - digest By noreply, created on Sep. 30 2007, 444
In Weather
25 new messages in 25 topics - digest By noreply, created on Sep. 30 2007, 444
In Weather
