Frugal: Halloween Ideas - FYI
Frugal Costume Ideas
Cheap Costume Ideas from Instructables: here you'll find out how to make cardboard armor, cardboard props, and much more. Easy Vampire Costume: while the Vampire phenomenon rages on, this cotume is sure to be a hit. Your own personal access to supplies and level of creativity will determine the specific outcome of this costume. Costumes for $1 or Less: check out how you can create a killer costume with the help of 99-Cent Only or Dollar Tree Stores. Kids' Costume Ideas: find out how to make a skeleton costume out of freezer paper, a Betty Rubble costume or a ninja mask out of a T-Shirt, and many more. Easy and Cheap Homemade Costumes: there are tons of original ideas listed here - and you can make most of these with items you should already have. Candy/Treats
This is one situation where DIY might not be the best option. I know that I was told as a kid not to eat anything from my candy bucket that wasn't sealed/packaged. We were actually taught this at school, and most parents reinforced this. So unfortunately, my parents threw out anything that was homemade or hand-wrapped by a parent.
So what can you do to save money on Halloween candy (besides conveniently decided not to be home that night)? Here are a few ideas from Bargaineering:
- Buy Cheaper Candy: contrary to some people's beliefs, Halloween is not a contest to find out which house "has the best candy." You don't get anything for obtaining this reputation except, perhaps, more visitors.
- Give Out the Candy Yourself: instead of letting kids reach in and grab whatever they can, hand out pieces yourself and budget your candy so you don't run out quickly.
- Recycle Candy: if you have kids, you can take them out trick or treating on the early side, and then head home to sort through their stash. Inevitably, there will be candy that they don't like and will not eat. You can use this candy for other little visitors that come throughout the night.
- Buy Candy Online: Associated Content tells you some of the best places to purchase some treats on the web.
Halloween Recipes to Get in the Spooky Spirit
- Fright Krispies Treats: this recipe puts a spooky spin on a tasty favorite.
- 15 Hauntingly Healthy Halloween Snacks: Halloween doesn't have to be full of junk to be fun and tasty. Here are some great ideas for healthy Halloween snacks, including Eerie Eyeballs made out of fruit, a Melon Brain and Ghosts Toasts.
- Funny Bones Halloween Treat: this recipe uses pretzel sticks, white chocolate and marshmallows to create a good mix of sweet and salty tastes.
- Spooky Punch: this Food Network recipes involves making shrunken head straws, gummy ice cubes and delicious fruity punch.
- No-Bake Spider Web Cheese Cake: Martha Stewart's spooky no-bake recipe is sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Halloween Party Ideas
Halloween Crafts and Games
- Pumpkin Carving: need I say more?
- "Don't Eat Frank!" Printable Game: The Idea Room supplies the game pieces. You just supply the candy.
- Mummy Wrap: who knew toilet paper could be so fun?
- Pin the Tail on the Cat (and More): here are some printable "pin the tail on" games for your kids' enjoyment.
- Young Kids' Games: these game ideas are perfect for ages 3-7.
- Games for Kids of All Ages: games such as the Monster Freeze Dance, Musical Pumpkins and Relay Races will get the kids up and moving.
- Big Kid Games: these games are more appropriate for teens and adults. You'll find trivia, scavenger hunts, and even directions for how to play Fear Factor: Halloween edition.
Easy Haunted House Ideas
- Haunted House Props 101: need help getting started with your haunted house? Wondering what items you can utilize to up the creep factor? Check out some of these great starter ideas.
- Making "Gook" for Haunted Houses: I vividly remember loving the "gross touching things rooms" from the haunted houses of my childhood. Learn how to make fake (and edible) blood, snot, brains, eyeballs and warts.
- Haunted Evil Eye Tin Can Luminaries: use recycled tin cans in order to create the appearance of scary glowing eyes.
- Glowing, Hanging Ghosts: make ghost or aliens to hang in your haunted house using balloons, glow sticks and old sheets.
- Building Cheap Halloween Dumbies: this site shows you how to make dummies, whether genuine monsters or dead bodies, for you haunted.
Halloween Decorations
- Make a Quick Scarecrow Family: adorn your yard with not one scarecrow, but a whole family of them with some simple supplies.
- Scaring up Supplies on the Cheap: find out how to get the materials you need to haunt your home on a budget.
- Milk Jug Ghosts: recycle your plastic gallon milk jugs for this neat lantern idea.
- Bats and Spiders: Halloween is never complete without creepy critters. You can make these creatures with black foam sheets and a few other materials.
- Printable Halloween Paper Dolls: this site will show you how you can print two paper dolls and decorate them with your choice of six costumes.
- Spider Web Decorations: make corner spider webs or webs that will stick to glass. You could even make them glow in the dark.
- Carve an Extreme Pumpkin: if carving the typical spooky face into a pumpkin is a little too amateur for your taste, learn how to step up your carving skills.
Other Ideas
- Face Painting: a little bit of face paint can go a long way for the frugal trick-or-treater. Check out 8 great ideas from Reader's Digest.
- Accessorize it Up: you can make Halloween hair clips, handmade jewelry, and other random accessories to complete the perfect costume.
- Miscellaneous Halloween Stuff: make spooky t-shirts, phantom ghost letters or your own creepy Halloween hand.