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Poisoned pup & lawn chemicals

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Hints From Heloise

By Heloise Saturday, June 2, 2007; 12:00 AM

Chemical Calamity

Dear Heloise: Last year, my husband was trying to help and misunderstood where I wanted the fertilizing WEEDKILLER granules spread. Unfortunately, he did not tell me that he put it in the backyard, where our schnauzer Muffin runs. Not until she became quite ill did I suspect she was poisoned, but I could not figure out how. It was then that I found out the granules were probably the cause, since we had no rain nor did we water in the three weeks since it was spread. Muffin can no longer see or smell. My conclusion is that she either ingested it while grooming or, more likely, by smelling for just the right spot to relieve herself, since both her smelling and seeing nerves are damaged.

There is a clear warning on the package not to let pets on it until it is watered in. Please let others know about the danger of lawn chemicals, not only for pets but for others, even those who spread it. -- Shirley Perkins, Nixa, Mo.

Shirley, my heart aches for you and Muffin! Our first miniature schnauzer, Zin, had lymphoid sarcoma, a form of cancer, and we now think there might have been a connection to chemicals applied to our yard.


Dear Heloise: Pet treats can sometimes get weevils after a while, and if you don't "catch" them quickly, they will spread to other items stored on the pantry shelves. So, as soon as I bring a bag home, I put the treats in a plastic zipper bag, along with the box label. This way, I can tell at a quick glance if they need to be thrown away. -- Carolyn H., Colorado Springs, Colo.


Dear Readers: Marla Lanphlier of Washington, Maine, sent a photo of her cat, Squeak, helping her do the daily crossword puzzle.

If your newspaper doesn't print the pet photo, be sure to go to my Web site,, and click on Pet of the Week -- you'll find Squeak there.


Dear Heloise: I have read so many times about squirrels being a yard problem with bird feeders. Well, I solved my problem. I have a birdbath, two hanging bird feeders and a pole feeder. Squirrels never bother them, as they have their own special place on the ground at the base of a big tree where they love to play. I bought three plastic trays, the ones that fit under flowerpots. I fill one with water and two with squirrel food. They never bother the feeders or birdbath. -- B.D., Springfield, Mo.


Dear Heloise: I have a little blond Pekingese dog that has a very unusual name. We call her Nutmeg, but her registered name is Pecan Margaret. A pecan is a nut, and Meg is short for Margaret. We in our family think it is absolutely hysterical. -- Brenda Jo Hornyak, Plano, Texas

(c)2007 by King Features Syndicate Inc.
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Poisoned pup & lawn chemicals
