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tasty end for hard pears, quick and easy meal

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Hints From Heloise

By Heloise Wednesday, May 30, 2007; 12:00 AM

Tasty End for Hard Pears

Dear Heloise: I had some HARD PEARS and discovered a way to prepare them, and they are very tasty.

Peel and cut the pears to bite size, and boil them in a little water. Add cinnamon candy and cook until they are tender. The cinnamon candy gives them a very good taste and turns the pears a pretty color. You don't need to add any sugar, as they are sweet enough. This is very good with chicken dishes. -- Kathryn from Texas

Kathryn, in Texas we have hard Kieffer pears that are large, extra firm and gritty, and are used mainly for canning and baking but are not very good to eat by themselves. A funny note from one of my secretaries: She picked a bunch of pears and wanted to try a recipe for pear sauce, which is likened to applesauce.

So, she put the pears on to cook. Well, hard pears are HARD, and it took hours and hours to cook them until they were soft enough to put through the food mill. She says she will never do that again!


Dear Heloise: Recently, my sister and her gang of four boys stopped at our house, just at mealtime.

Fortunately, I had a big pot of spaghetti sauce brewing. Now, any homemaker knows you can "stretch" sauce with extra tomato sauce, etc.

However, one loaf of garlic bread wasn't going very far. I was rummaging through the freezer when I ran across several packages of hot-dog buns. I had a brainstorm.

I thawed the buns, split them in half, spread them with butter and sprinkled them with garlic powder. I put them under the broiler until they were golden brown, then laid them back together and served them to the children. It was a huge hit -- each child had his own "loaf" of garlic bread. -- Mabel, Bradenton, Fla.


Dear Heloise: I saw where you warned a reader not to use a trash bag to store food items -- namely popcorn -- because the bags are not food grade.

I had to pop a huge amount of popcorn for a kindergarten class and then was faced with the problem of how to get it from my house to the school. The solution: a large turkey baking bag. The plastic bag is definitely food grade, and even better, it resists tearing. All 5-plus gallons of popcorn made it safely to the classroom. -- Laura in Little Rock, Ark.


Dear Heloise: When you are cutting up onions, just light a candle and set it close to you. The flame eats the "gas" the onion gives off when you cut, and you get no tears.

To get rid of nasty onion smell on hands after cutting, simply rub your hands on something stainless steel while washing, and the smell simply disappears. -- Marti C., West Virginia

(c)2007 by King Features Syndicate Inc.
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tasty end for hard pears, quick and easy meal
