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Berries May be Potent to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction


Berries May be Potent to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

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Berries with certain natural compounds may reduce risk to erectile dysfunction (ED) in men, as per a new study conducted by the UEA (University of East Anglia), and Harvard University of the U.S.

22nd January 2016, United States, ( Berries with certain natural compounds may reduce risk to erectile dysfunction (ED) in men, as per a new study conducted by the UEA (University of East Anglia), and Harvard University of the U.S. Apart from focusing on only ED treatments by medicines such as Forzest, and other PDE5 inhibitors, men can strive stopping development of erectile issues all together by simply including few berry fruits in their diet. The nutrition department of Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and University of East Anglia’s Norwich Medical School carried out the study, which was based on greater than 50,000 men (middle-aged).

All the participants were tested on their ability to maintain and have erections likely for intercourse from the year of 1986, and enormous dietary intake data collected each four years. While most of us know the ready cures to impotence like Kamagra Soft pills, penile implants, vacuum pump, lifestyle changes, exercises, low stress level etc. we many often avoid simple dietary updates that can help prevent impotence. Surprisingly, the prevention of erectile dysfunction has been found effective in berries containing compounds such as flavones, flavonoids, flavanones, and anthocyanins etc.

People can include citrus fruits and berries in their meals. These were found to the best and reliant in prohibiting erectile dysfunction. The study concluded that men taking higher amounts of fruit in diet were 14% less vulnerable to impotence, than those who did not. Research also claimed that having a flavonoid-rich edible was a good choice to improve erectile function, and comparative to brisk walking for about five-hours a week. Those who use Forzest 20mg for treating ED may also benefit from regularly having berries and fruits with flavonoid content, and find natural remedy to the problem.

Professor and chief researcher Aedin Cassidy from UEA was of the opinion that the first study looked at link between erectile dysfunction and flavonoids. ED affects about half of the older and middle-aged men today, and those who take berry rich diet and foods with high flavonoid content are 10 percent less probably to suffer from impotence. But, if the person is already diagnosed with ED, then instant treatment can be sought consuming Kamagra Soft tablets, along with inclusion of healthy edibles, and avoidance of smoking, alcohol etc.

Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition from the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, and senior author of the study, Dr. Eric Rimm was of the consideration that men with impotence are likely to choose better lifestyle choices, as they were motivated to seek cure to ED. The options involved eating the healthy and right foods, more exercising etc, which can benefit for long-term and upkeep cardiovascular system as well. Some other benefiting practices are to get regular and enough sleep, better communication with love partners etc.

Few portions of berry fruits in a week must be sufficient for preventing impotence. Resolving relationship issues, beating down psychological and physical stress could yield positive outcomes as well. Other than berries, fruits, lifestyle changes, and ED medications, people can suitably fight impotence by keeping diabetes under control, treating atherosclerosis or high blood pressure, and other causes to ED. If such measures are maintained, the affected men or those who still do not have erectile issues can have enhanced sexual lives.

Contact: Jennifer Miller
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Berries May be Potent to Prevent Erectile Dysfunction Berries with certain natural compounds may reduce risk to erectile dysfunction (ED) in men, as per a new study conducted by the UEA (University of East Anglia), and Harvard University of the U.S.
