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Art-Faux Designs

Arthur Morehead a Naples resident since 1987 and a painter for 30 years has been in business since 1998 in the Naples area. "Paint is my life and art is my passion" I have been an artist my whole life mostly self taught but have studied with some of the world reknown artists in the faux industry

Art-Faux Designs is dedicated to the most discerning home owners who want the best in craftmanship. The quality of the materials we use are of nothing short of the best that are available . The water base systems used are of products that are as close to being of a "green" product that we can find and the market keeps improving the quality of these products to protect our environment as well as the health of our clients. Wheather new or repeats, our customers our treated like family , because our business is based mostly on repeat and referral type clients which is why we dont do much advertising. "I am on each and every commission from start to finish and dont sub-contract to others because no 2 artists are the same. I can be contacted through my site or through my email email
