Forgotten Cures: Complexion/Pimples/etc
* What really seems "yucky" to me is a story my mother
once told me. When she was in high school in the early twenties, the
young girls would get a "wet" baby diaper and wipe their faces,
thinking their complexions would be improved!! Doris Goldsborough
* My French-Canadian grandmother had more than her share
of memorable cures but that which I remember best was the application
of a tiny bit of tomato avec skin on a boil or pimple that would not
come to a head, held on by tape, or later a Band-Aid. Generally within
24 hours said pimple was "ready for popping." Howard E.Congdon
* If you feel a pimple coming up, rub in a little
toothpaste and it practically disappears overnight.
* Pimples can be brought to a head with hot, wet,
washclothes. Don Ryan
* Red Clover flowers(dryed ones seem are better) and
Golden seal are both natural blood cleaners taken together (legally I
can not say it will work as a cure)(**) But "maybe it will" clean up
acne. One should make a tea (use honey to sweeten if nessary) Golden
seal smells and tastes really ucky. Take 8 to 10 Red clover flowers,
1/4 ts Golden seal. Place into a large cup (6 to 8 oz) fill with
boiling water. Let stand for 8 to 10 minuets. Drank it twice a day for
3 to 5 days. Use as needed. Mike
* My mother taught me how to cure your pimples - You
drink a lot of water, for one thing. Or to get rid of them overnight,
before you go to bed, wash your face thoroughly. Then take some
rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab and rub it on your face wherever you
have pimples. Take some antibacterial ointment, and after the rubbing
alcohol has dried (only a few seconds), rub the ointment where ever
there are pimples or zits, and where ever you rubbed the alcohol.
Leave the ointment on overnight, and within the next few days, all of
your pimples will be cured! This really works, I tried it and the next
morning they weren't that noticeable, and then the next morning they
were gone!! It was really cool. -Claire Wilson
* For your complexion lemon juice will lighten freckles
and will highlight your hair.
* To prevent/cure acne, seperate an egg, and bust the
yolk. Apply the yolk to your skin 2-3 times daily for a week, washing
it off 10 minutes after every application. The results are noticeable
immediately. [Casey
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