Basic Salad Dressing Ii
Yield: 8 servings
2 tb Red wine vinegar; 1/8 ts Garlic powder;
2 tb Acceptable vegetable oil; 1/8 ts Sugar;
4 tb Water; 1/2 ts Fresh lemon juice;
1/8 ts Freshly ground black pepper;
In jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine all ingredients. Shake
well and refrigerate. Makes 1/2 cup. (Half of published recipe.) My
note: I frequently use bottled lemon juice which has sodium listed,
but there cant be much sodium in 1/2 tsp. divided among 8 servings.
If you use fresh lemon juice, extra can be frozen in an ice cube tray
or small container.
1 tbsp - 31 cal 3 grams total fat, 5 mg potassium
Source: Am. Heart Assoc. Low-Salt Cookbook 1990 Shared but not
tested by Elizabeth Rodier Dec 93
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