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2008 is like 1973 - if so, it is a year for experimentation.

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the beginnings of many new technologies and styles of music began in 1973

Many stock market gurus say that 2008 is like 1973/74.

If this is the case, then a lot of the trends of the era may also repeat themselves.

So, what's the next big thing?
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Simplify3 on Jul. 13 2008 edit · delete
In 1973, there were no more Apollo Missions. Dec 1972 was the last one. All of the excitement over getting out in space, to the moon, etc that had started in the late 1950's and lasted through the 1960's petered out by 1973, and a lot of the NASA excitement was gone by 1975, the perceived "end of the space race".

In 2008, the Space Shuttles will start to be retired, one at a time, until 2010 - less than 2 years from now, after running since 1981.

1946?-1975 era 1 1981-2010 era 2

(why do I say 1946? Well, the first movie taken in space can be seen here:

and that was in 1946!
Simplify3 on Jul. 13 2008 edit · delete
It was a year for "strange music"; see

for some great examples.
Simplify3 on Jul. 13 2008 edit · delete
From: 1973 Inflation has a significant impact on peoples lives around the world with the UK inflation rate running at 8.4% and the US running at 6.16% . This causes problems in every aspect of peoples lives from the price of Gas, Food and Bills , which in turn causes higher wages and the spiral continues, much of this is caused by the Arab members of the (OPEC) restricting the flow of oil to countries supporting Israel as part of the Yom Kippur War. And the start of a Recession in Europe causing increased unemployment and a 3 day week in the UK. Meanwhile in the US two important cases dominate the news with Roe v. Wade making abortion a US constitutional right and the start of the Watergate hearings in the US Senate, and due to price increase of gas the Japanese car manufacturers with smaller engines and more efficient have an impact of the US car industry

What Events Happened in 1973

* Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), announce they will restrict flow of crude oil to countries supporting Israel causing price of oil to increase by 200%

* Recession begins in Europe following OPEC Oil price increases

* Roe v. Wade makes abortion a US constitutional right

* Britain Ireland and Denmark join the EEC

* Chrysler and other US car makers close a number of plants affecting 100,000 workers

* US Troops withdrawn from Vietnam and U.S. involvement in Vietnam War ends with the signing of peace

* World Trade Center in New York becomes the tallest building in the world

* Supreme Court of the United States rules on Roe v. Wade.

* IRA bombs explode in the Whitehall and the Old Bailey.

* Watergate Hearings begin in the United States Senate and President Richard Nixon tells the nation , “I am not a crook.

* The Exorcist * Deliverance * Live and Let Die * Paper Moon * Dark Side Of The Moon Reminded by Pink Floyd Fan * Last Tango in Paris * Jesus Christ Superstar * American Graffiti * Lady Sings the Blues * The Sting

Popular TV: * The Odd Couple * The Partridge Family * Columbo * Masterpiece Theatre * McMillan and Wife * Old Grey Whistle Test (UK) * Are You Being Served? (UK) * Colditz (UK) * Emmerdale Farm (UK) * M*A*S*H * Sanford and Son * The Bob Newhart Show * The Price Is Right * The Waltons

Now, notice how sitcoms are JUST starting to come back after years of reality TV mania?

1973 was the start of several good sitcoms.

Invention of the Internet by Vinton Cerf in 1973.

According to: 1960 - 1973 the revolution of youth The revolution of youth ended in 1973.

And 1973 - 2000 The Global Village.

Fads - Big Hair, Glitter Clothes, and Tattoos were popular in 1973

Tattoos are popular in 2008 as are piercings (so commonplace now that elementary school girls are getting it done -- that's usually the sign of the end of a fad -- remember Goth and its cousin Emo? It shows prominently in kids cartoons now. That's the sign that it's just about over and something new is coming along. [and the Insane Clown Posse doesn't count)

Pet Rocks become a fad

Oregon is the first state to decriminalize marijuana.

Fads; Backgammon, CB radios, martial arts

Screening passengers to prevent hijacking begins at airports

PONG started in 1973.

The DRAFT ended in 1973.
Udut, Kenneth on Jan. 22 2009 edit · delete
Well,it looks like 2009 will be shaping up a little like 1973. I'm hoping NOT 1933, although the jobs creation sounds pretty good. Keep the money flowing, people.
2008 is like 1973 - if so, it is a year for experimentation. the beginnings of many new technologies and styles of music began in 1973
