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Kidney Transplant And Pregnancy-A New Oxymoron


Kidney Transplant And Pregnancy-A New Oxymoron

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If you are opting for kidney transplant, don’t get pregnant till your doctor gives the green signal.

25th, October 2013 ( :If you are opting for kidney transplant, don’t get pregnant till your doctor gives the green signal. Anti-rejection drugs given after organ transplant may increase the risk of miscarriages and birth defects in female kidney transplant patients-the new study suggests.

Whenever there is organ transplant, the possibility that body’s immune system will perceive it as foreign object is high. Immune system may direct inflammatory response against newly transplanted organ which may make this process a complete failure.

The drugs known as mycophenolic acid products are administered after organ transplant. They suppress the immune system. As a result, body is hardwired to accept the “Foreign object” i.e. transplanted organ. These drugs facilitate organ transplant process by making immune system weaker.

Study included 163 female patients who were administered mycophenolic acid products after kidney transplant, but they have discontinued their use before conception. 114 women participants conceived while taking the medications.

Those who stopped taking medications before pregnancy showed improvement in all the pregnancy criteria. They had more live births (79%) than other women who were taking medicines (43%). Birth defects percentage was also less by 8 % in women who discontinued the drug. These women also reported less number of miscarriages (19%) than their counterparts (52%). The difference in rate of miscarriages was significant.

Researchers concluded that stopping anti-rejection drugs before conception will definitely help to reduce the post pregnancy risks like risk of birth defects, low birth weight and premature delivery. They said that close collaboration among various specialists will surely help to assess various health-related risks especially when Immunosuppressant drugs are involved.

Although an association between immuno suppressant drugs and pregnancy risks has been established, the cause-effect relationship has not yet been proved. Researchers hope that more research will provide more information regarding safety of pregnant women opting for organ transplant.

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Harry Kelly is a Medical Student and a freelancer who is specialized in writing. He is associate with many Pharmacies for whom he writes articles based on generic drugs and general health related issues.
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Kidney Transplant And Pregnancy-A New Oxymoron 
 If you are opting for kidney transplant, don’t get pregnant till your doctor gives the green signal.
