No secret ingredients - full disclosure!
Hints From Heloise
By Heloise Wednesday, June 20, 2007; 12:00 AM
No Secret Ingredients
Dear Heloise: The item about substituting tofu for egg yolk in deviled eggs -- "no one ever knows" -- impelled me to write to you. If you are making an UNUSUAL SUBSTITUTION in a recipe that is going to be eaten by people other than your family, please, please don't keep it a secret! There are a lot of people with fairly serious food allergies and sensitivities, and not knowing that you've substituted A for B in a dish could be fatal. At least, please let the host(ess) know what you put in the food; the host(ess) can then let anyone who is not supposed to eat a particular food know to avoid your dish, or, if someone inquires, you can answer the question. -- Chris, via e-mail
Chris, how right you are, and thanks for reminding us.
Dear Heloise: My office colleagues and I read your column each day at our lunch table, and we've learned so much from you through the years. I wanted to share this great hint about leftover ice-cream cake.
We ended up with more than half of a large ice-cream cake after a party. It wouldn't fit in our freezer, so I sliced it and wrapped the individual pieces in wax paper and put them into quart-size zip-top bags, which gave me great flexibility to find space in the freezer. I was pleasantly surprised how well it worked -- the wax paper came off easily and made serving the leftovers so easy. -- Jane McKinley, Newark, N.J.
Dear Heloise: I love lemon in my tea, so one day when slicing lemons, I peeled the little sticker off the lemon and stuck it on the container that held the lemon slices instead of writing on a piece of freezer tape.
I label all leftovers so I don't have to wonder what's in a bowl. -- Viola Varner, Eros, La.
Dear Heloise: A great way to cut cinnamon rolls after you've rolled the dough into a long roll is to simply use a string or thread. Slip under, wrap around and cross over at top. It cuts the dough without squashing it down. -- Jan Hegstad, Powers Lake, N.D.
Dear Heloise: I've read and heard that you should put a slice of bread in a cookie container to soften the cookies. Recently, I did that, and it worked! The bread got hard and the cookies got soft.
Sometimes when I have leftover meatloaf, I crumble or cut it into small pieces and pour a jar of spaghetti sauce over it. I cook some spaghetti and heat the meat sauce, add a salad and garlic bread, and I have a good dinner. -- A Faithful Reader from Winnsboro, Texas
Dear Heloise: Here is another way to keep brown sugar from getting hard: Put the box into a plastic freezer bag and keep on the pantry shelf. It will be easy to scoop every time. -- H. Horice, Sugar Land, Texas
(c)2007 by King Features Syndicate Inc.
1 rate By Heloise Wednesday, June 20, 2007; 12:00 AM
No Secret Ingredients
Dear Heloise: The item about substituting tofu for egg yolk in deviled eggs -- "no one ever knows" -- impelled me to write to you. If you are making an UNUSUAL SUBSTITUTION in a recipe that is going to be eaten by people other than your family, please, please don't keep it a secret! There are a lot of people with fairly serious food allergies and sensitivities, and not knowing that you've substituted A for B in a dish could be fatal. At least, please let the host(ess) know what you put in the food; the host(ess) can then let anyone who is not supposed to eat a particular food know to avoid your dish, or, if someone inquires, you can answer the question. -- Chris, via e-mail
Chris, how right you are, and thanks for reminding us.
Dear Heloise: My office colleagues and I read your column each day at our lunch table, and we've learned so much from you through the years. I wanted to share this great hint about leftover ice-cream cake.
We ended up with more than half of a large ice-cream cake after a party. It wouldn't fit in our freezer, so I sliced it and wrapped the individual pieces in wax paper and put them into quart-size zip-top bags, which gave me great flexibility to find space in the freezer. I was pleasantly surprised how well it worked -- the wax paper came off easily and made serving the leftovers so easy. -- Jane McKinley, Newark, N.J.
Dear Heloise: I love lemon in my tea, so one day when slicing lemons, I peeled the little sticker off the lemon and stuck it on the container that held the lemon slices instead of writing on a piece of freezer tape.
I label all leftovers so I don't have to wonder what's in a bowl. -- Viola Varner, Eros, La.
Dear Heloise: A great way to cut cinnamon rolls after you've rolled the dough into a long roll is to simply use a string or thread. Slip under, wrap around and cross over at top. It cuts the dough without squashing it down. -- Jan Hegstad, Powers Lake, N.D.
Dear Heloise: I've read and heard that you should put a slice of bread in a cookie container to soften the cookies. Recently, I did that, and it worked! The bread got hard and the cookies got soft.
Sometimes when I have leftover meatloaf, I crumble or cut it into small pieces and pour a jar of spaghetti sauce over it. I cook some spaghetti and heat the meat sauce, add a salad and garlic bread, and I have a good dinner. -- A Faithful Reader from Winnsboro, Texas
Dear Heloise: Here is another way to keep brown sugar from getting hard: Put the box into a plastic freezer bag and keep on the pantry shelf. It will be easy to scoop every time. -- H. Horice, Sugar Land, Texas
(c)2007 by King Features Syndicate Inc.