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Spock, Rapleaf and People Search Engines of Web 2.0

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Certified reputation? I'll play along.

I'm enjoying my new discovering of services like and - two services. They allow you to look up someone's email address and/or name and find out where they are in the social networking world.

It's a pretty smart idea - if it's not used for evil. People are congregating at Myspace, LinkedIn and 1000 other places - has a list - and it makes sense that SOMEBODY would link they together. Okay, several places have.

Will it be a beacon for spammers? Absolutely. Will people's private blather be saved for eternity? Definitely! But Google did that already a few years back when they snapped up Usenet Newsgroups (which were the Myspace of the day) so we should all be used to it.

But a new generation is newly surprised I suppose.

As for me, I just play along.

Here's me at spock:

and me at rapleaf:

and at wink:

What do I have to hide anyway?

Kenneth Udut Webmaster: - Collier County FL news/info/videos/job listings
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Spock, Rapleaf and People Search Engines of Web 2.0 Certified reputation? I'll play along.
