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Tumor Blood Cells Fail Prognosis During Early Breast Cancer -  The prominent mechanism of the tumor cells that are located in the bone marrow, mainly of those patients who are in the initial stage of breast cancer could prove to be beneficial for the prediction of the enhanced risk of relapse as well as chances of survival which is basically improper.  »
By Camili Smith, created on June 3 2014
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Notable device helping reduce blood pressure - -  According to the recent analyses, it has been stated by the medical analyzers that they have discovered an innovative implantable device which helps for the fruitful reduction of the sufferings of blood pressure.  »
By Camili Smith, created on May 31 2014
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Brief laser treatment beneficial against influenza vaccinations - -  The medical experts further explain that such efficient doses with the help of near infrared laser light leads for significant improvisation of the influence of intradermal influenza vaccines.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Jan. 18 2014
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Innumerable teenagers addictive to smoking in UK -  According to the recent reports, the medical experts claim that there are approximately 600 candidates in the teenage who have been addictive to smoking at such an early age in United Kingdom.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Jan. 8 2014
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Combine Breastfeeding with solids- an effective strategy to protect your newborn from allergies! -  Researchers said that introducing solids before 17 weeks of age should be avoided as it may increase your child’s risk of increasing allergy.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Dec. 14 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Occupational therapy beneficial for autistic kids - -  It has been enable by the medical experts that the use of occupational therapeutic measures along with the aspects of sensory integration (OT-SI) have led for promising results in autistic kids.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Dec. 12 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Birth control and Glaucoma! A shift from Hormonal methods! - -  The new research reveals that women who use birth control pills for longer periods say 3 years are at higher risk of developing glaucoma.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Dec. 5 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Micronutrient supplements protect from HIV disorders - -  A number of supplements including multivitamins along with selenium possess the ability of reducing the fatal risks over the immunity system & rate of morbidity in the individuals suspecting the initial rise of risks of developing disorders of HIV.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Dec. 3 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Why Avandia is surrounded by controversies? - -  According to the recent reports, in the last few decades, there have been a large number of people who have been detected with the sufferings of diabetes.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Nov. 30 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Want to recover quickly? Change the lighting! - -  A new research suggests that changing lighting patterns is patient’s room to align with normal sleep-wake cycles, may reduce fatigue, pain and improve the health of patients.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Nov. 28 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Research associating cancer with Junk Genes - -  According to the medical sources, there are innumerable human genes which make their code only for proteins which have been discovered by the medical analyzers.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Nov. 23 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Learning and Thinking -Why not to ignore post surgery pain? - -  Certain level of pain after surgery is considered to be normal. It is just avoided or treated with general painkillers. However, postoperative pain can be serious as it can damage your thinking ability- as the new research says.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Nov. 20 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Want To Have Good Memory? Reduce Blood Sugar Level - -  The research suggests that higher blood sugar levels may put individuals to greater risk of memory problems while the effect will be reversed in individuals with low blood sugar levels.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Oct. 25 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Asthama During Pregnancy May Affect Your Unborn Baby - -  Asthma during pregnancy is not an uncommon phenomenon. It affects at least 10% of pregnant women. Severity may vary from mild to severe. It may remain unchanged, worsen or improve in some cases. The disease may prove to be chronic for some women.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Oct. 22 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
What is Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS)? - -  Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a mixture of emotional, physical, psychosomatic, and mood instability that occur after a woman's ovulation as well as typically ending with the onset of her menstrual flow.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Oct. 10 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
At a glance - Alpers’ Disease - -  Alpers’ disease is a neurological degenerative disease caused by mutations in mitochondrial DNA. Some scientists believe that this disease is caused by underlying metabolic defects.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Oct. 9 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Asthma cured with conducting physical exercises - -  According to the recent study, it has been estimated by the analyzers that all the people who have been suffering hard from asthma must conduct physical exercises on regular basis.  »
By Camili Smith, edited on Oct. 8 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Intake of Tea- beneficial for life - -  Beverages like tea seem to cast an integral role for the purpose of boosting the life expectancy of the people, as per informed by the medical sources.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 30 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Importance of thyroid tests during pregnancy- -  Experiencing thyroid dysfunction during the time of pregnancy is considered to be the most common disorder & till date, it has affected a number of females, all across the globe.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 28 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Birth control pills reduce occurrences of acne - -  According to the scientists, they explain that making use of the oral contraceptive medications is considered to be an efficient way for the treatment of severe acne problems in the females  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 27 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Drug approved by FDA treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - -  A professional team of medical experts in USFDA (United States Food & Drug Association) have authorized the utilization of a novel medicinal product which has been found to be essential for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 26 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Excessive iron consumption may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease - -  According to a study, eating too much red meat raises brain levels of iron. This may heighten the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 20 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Stimulation of nerves relieves fibromyalgia pain - -  According to the recent research, the analyzers have discovered an essential device which causes zapping of the nerves which are located in the nape region of the neck.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 19 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Excess weight gain could lead to migraine - -  According to the recent study, it has been analyzed that all the people who have been suffering from obesity have been more susceptible for suffering from episodic migraine.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 17 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Well-balanced lifestyle cures problems of hypertension - -  Most of the people come across the problems like hypertension which is also termed as high blood pressure & this is termed as a chronic condition which can be elaborated as higher levels of blood pressure restoring in the arteries.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 10 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Proper & qualitative meals prevent Hepatitis C - -  The analyzers reveal that with the consumption of the meals which contain inappropriate amount of non-essential fats & calories, have been diagnosed with the infectious reactions of Hepatitis C.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 7 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Specific receptors found for Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s disease - -  There have been some effective receptors which are responsible for the occurrences of some dreaded ailments like Alzheimer’s disease.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 6 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Supplements of Glucosamine enhance fatal eye conditions - -  The results elaborated that these candidates possessed higher pressure in the eyes, while they were considering such supplements. But the pressure became normal as soon as they had stopped the consumption of such supplements.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 4 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Weight loss connected with improving psoriasis - -  According to the recent reports, the analyzers explain that it is essential to shed some of the extra pounds which would help to execute promising results for the treatment of psoriasis.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 3 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Lasers inbuilt in toys affects eyes of children - -  The laser is said to create a harmful impact in the form of a beam which shines directly into the eyes & can lead to such damages, as per informed by the experts.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Sep. 2 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Whey protein can help in improving the overall health - -  Brucellosis is an infectious disease that spreads from animals to people and most frequently via unpasteurized milk, cheese and other dairy products.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 31 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Several benefits of Botox injections - -  Botox injections are one of the extremely popular forms of cosmetic surgery with millions of people taking benefits of it each and every year.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 21 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Mutations of genes lead for Parkinson’s disease - -  According to the recent study, it has been revealed that there have been certain mutations of the genes can lead to Parkinson’s disease & it can be elaborated that this disorder enhances the chances of causing death of some cells present in the brain.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 20 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Risk of heart disease is higher in premature babies - -  Babies who are born prematurely experience differences in how their heart forms and work as an adult, compared with babies who are born at full-term.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 19 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Eating raw garlic may reduce the risk of developing lung cancer - -  According to a study eating raw garlic twice a week could potentially reduce the risk of evolving lung cancer nearly to half.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 17 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Children having recurring stomach pain can lead to anxiety disorder during adulthood - -  A study reveals children who have regular abdominal pain complaints are more likely to have an anxiety disorder during adulthood.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 16 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Rheumatoid Arthritis linked to increased potential of blood clots - -  The latest study found an association between blood clots and rheumatoid arthritis, but not a direct association of cause and effect relationship.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 14 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Yoga essential for staying healthy & fit - -  This is an essential form of physical activity which helps to keep you fit all throughout the day & helps to spread optimism all over & also enhances the power of concentration to carry out the regular work.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 10 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Cancer & Alzheimer’s disease diagnosing correlations - -  A recent study has declared with the reports that senior people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease possess lower chances of being affected with certain forms of fatal cancer.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 9 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Sting-o-meter causes identification of insects causing pain - -  The stung of the beeleads to unhealthy effects to our body & moreover they have been proved harmful since it causes the supply of non-essential aspects into our body through the medium of our skin.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 8 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Invasive bladder cancer - -  Researchers have discovered a trigger that spurs bladder cancer to become invasive and spread to other parts of the body. Invasive bladder cancer is much harder to treat, and the discovery increases hope of new treatments that target this cause.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 7 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Nutrition facts about Pistachio - -  Pistachio, the delicious salted dry fruit, is a nutritious snack choice. It is an ideal snack for the calorie conscious. It helps in increasing the nitric oxide levels of the body.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 6 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Acetaminophen linked to deadly skin reactions - -  The FDA says anyone taking acetaminophen that develops a rash or other skin reaction should stop taking the product immediately and seek medical attention right away.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 5 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Benefits of sun salutation - -  Sun salutation is an important part of yoga. It is one of the simplest yoga routines, and a splendid way to get started with yoga if you are a total newbie.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Aug. 2 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Diet to prevent peptic ulcer - -  Peptic ulcer is the most frequently found ulcer. It is initiated in the stomach or the upper part of the small intestine, called the duodenum. Diet is of utmost important factor in the treatment of ulcer.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Jul. 31 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Specific foods can help you reduce hypertension - -  There are numerous foods available that help lower blood pressure levels and likewise help in maintaining healthy and balanced blood pressure levels in the body.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Jul. 30 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Exercise can help manage Osteoarthritis - -  Osteoarthritis is a momentous degenerative disease that influences the joints. It emerges most commonly in the lower extremities which includes the ankles and knees.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Jul. 27 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Immune system affected by sleep - -  According to a new study, Sleep deprivation jolts the immune system into action in the same type of immediate response shown during exposure to physical stress.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Jul. 25 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Contemporary methods for Joint Replacement enhanced - -  Scientists reveal that such measures of joint replacement lead for the effective substitution of the deteriorated joints & thereby replacing them with the help of artificial aspects.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Jul. 24 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
Control weight with the help of healthy breakfast - -  Regularly eating a healthy breakfast may help you lose excess weight and maintain your weight loss. Maintaining a good metabolism is an important part of long term weight loss.  »
By Camili Smith, created on Jul. 23 2013
In Press Releases and Company Profiles
