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Allusion or Alone?

Cary McQuaid

on May 1 2011


Allusion or Alone?

May 1, 2011

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen. Mathew 28: 19, 20

This is the commission, we have been trusted with an office, appointed to a great work, and sent forth to teach all that we find or that are sent to us teh truths of God. Disciples are who we are and disciples have been traditionally sent out in pairs, two by two they went forth, and as many as 70 pairs are recorded in scripture, but what happens when you appear to be alone? Does the work stop? No it does not. In 1Kings 19:1-18 Elijah was running for his life after Jezebel sought to kill him. He ran until he reached a cave and he lodged there for safety. Soon loneliness came upon him and he began to talk to God and said, "and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away." 1Kings 19:10. God's reply to Elijah is very important, it's not that God wants us to do this work by ourselves, but He wants us to know that what we feel, what we call lonely, and how things appear to be, are not true. God told Elijah that what he said was not true, Elijah wasn't alone. "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel,..." 1Kings 19:18 We are not alone! We may feel alone or feel lonely, it may appear that we are in this battle or work of God by ourselves, and we might be crying out to God in our despair, but God is with us always and has many others that are steadfast and true. And he will one to you.

Don't despair Jesus is near to us and will always assist us when we cry out to him, even if it means that he corrects our thoughts about what we feel and what is real. You are not alone, Jesus is with you!
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Allusion or Alone?
