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Super-size your life! The right way!

Cary McQuaid

on May 14 2011


Super-size your life! The right way!

May 14, 2011

"And he took them, and sent them over the brook, and sent over that he had. And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day." Genesis 32:23,24

The old adage that cheaters never win is what this is all about. Jacob had by all appearances won by cheating his brother Esau out of his entitled birth-right blessing, but in doing so he had lost his brother. Years have gone by and now Jacob is repenting for his actions and hoping to win his brother back. Esau had previously hated Jacob and said in his heart, "I will slay my brother Jacob." Genesis 27:41 Esau's pain from losing to a cheat was another matter in consideration, because Jacob was soon to meet Esau again after many years and certainly Esau has remembered Jacob's treacherous dealings. It always comes back! What we do each day, either right or wrong always comes back to reward us or to challenge us to see if we have changed. In this case the question is, has Jacob changed? Will he fight to win without cheating. It seems that Jacob knew that he needed to be real with God and decided to get alone with God and deal with this matter, with God, one on one, face to face, before dealing with Esau. He sent everyone away and being all alone, he now had no way to cheat, no one to help, and he simply had to rely on God to help him. Soon he would meet with the man that wanted to kill him for the wrong that he committed unto him years ago, but before help from God would come, God needed to know from Jacob, "what have you learned?" "Will you pay the cost to win without cheating?" "Will you pay the price difference needed to Super-size your life?" "Are you ready to Rumble?" Now it's on, and Jacob refuses to cheat and refuses to let go! Things have changed in Jacob's way of doing business.Why did Jacob have to wrestle until the early morning? Genesis 32:22-32 shows us that God wants to know that you have changed before he restores.

Jacob was injured in this battle with God's holy angel, but his injury was nothing compared to the many years of lost relations with his brother Esau. And Jacob refused to lose. Jacob's cheating actions were no longer the way that he conducted business, he has changed! Now he refuses to lose and prevailes without cheating! Not letting go of the right way until he received the blessing. True winners never cheat, they will struglle to get there, they will be weakened on the way, but they always pay the extra cost to win the right way, without cheating!
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Super-size your life! The right way!
