After easter, what's next?
Be Ready!
"And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." Revelation 19:11
On Easter Sunday Jesus ascended and we all celebrated in rememberance and honor for our King. The one who died and was raised again to live, even Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Faithful to this we are, always remembering to do this every year so that we give honor to Jesus and so that we can remind ourselves of the power of God to fix our lives and make us alive again, just as it happened to Jesus, but what happens next? From Easter to Easter do we remember that Jesus is coming back? We don't know the time or the day, but Jesus is faithful and true. Let me remind you today that Jesus is coming back! The Second Coming of Christ to the earth is a faithful saying and true. If we truly desire to honor Jesus we will remember this and watch and pray each day. In Mathew 25:1-13 it tells us of ten virgins that were watching for the Lords return, and like these ten we wait to hear his cry on high and at the midnight hour he will come and just like the ten virgins, five will be ready and five will have a sad sigh, because they were not prepared for his return and they had no oil in their cup, then he came, as we read here, and then the door was shut. Remember Jesus is coming back! You can make sure that your ready by having all that you need to shine your lamp, and shine brightly as you wait for his return.
It's the day after Easter and what do we do next? Continue to have our lamps filled and continue to prepare our life for the work that he has called us to do. We continue to watch and pray as we wait for that midnight hour so that we will be awake and alert and ready to go forth to meet the bridegroom. He is coming soon! He is faithful and true!
Rate this! 1-5 starsOn Easter Sunday Jesus ascended and we all celebrated in rememberance and honor for our King. The one who died and was raised again to live, even Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Faithful to this we are, always remembering to do this every year so that we give honor to Jesus and so that we can remind ourselves of the power of God to fix our lives and make us alive again, just as it happened to Jesus, but what happens next? From Easter to Easter do we remember that Jesus is coming back? We don't know the time or the day, but Jesus is faithful and true. Let me remind you today that Jesus is coming back! The Second Coming of Christ to the earth is a faithful saying and true. If we truly desire to honor Jesus we will remember this and watch and pray each day. In Mathew 25:1-13 it tells us of ten virgins that were watching for the Lords return, and like these ten we wait to hear his cry on high and at the midnight hour he will come and just like the ten virgins, five will be ready and five will have a sad sigh, because they were not prepared for his return and they had no oil in their cup, then he came, as we read here, and then the door was shut. Remember Jesus is coming back! You can make sure that your ready by having all that you need to shine your lamp, and shine brightly as you wait for his return.
It's the day after Easter and what do we do next? Continue to have our lamps filled and continue to prepare our life for the work that he has called us to do. We continue to watch and pray as we wait for that midnight hour so that we will be awake and alert and ready to go forth to meet the bridegroom. He is coming soon! He is faithful and true!